The Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECYS) and the Argentine Chamber of Commerce (CAC), the Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME) and the Union of Commercial Entities (Udeca), signed the closing of the annual parity (from April 2022 to March 2023).
As a consequence of the agreement, the workers will have an iincrease in your basic agreementwhich raises the salary floor from $139,000 to $182,700 (including presenteeism) causing it to exceed inflation
The increase will be effective in two tranches, in February the basic with presenteeism will be 165,900 and in March it will be 182,700both remunerative sums for all purposes.
The wage agreement was signed at the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and was attended by Minister Kelly Olmos.
The unions set conditions to close parities for 60%
For his part, Armando Cavalieri, general secretary of FAECYShighlighted that “once once more we have achieved that the salary of the workers and workers of commerce to keep up with the increase in pricesand we closed the annual parity above inflation”.
And he added: “It is very important to have the support of business chambers and businessmen, who with a lot of effort and in this difficult context, we first agreed to bring forward in August the 10.5% increase planned for January 2023product of the acceleration of prices, and willing to dialogue to establish revisions and follow the evolution of prices”.
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