Electronic games: when is excess a problem?

Last week, the statement made by the Minister of Sports, Ana Moser, regarding video games not being considered sports provoked revolt in society gamer. In Brazil, the modality is very popular: a study carried out by the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo (USP) shows that 85% of teenagers aged between 12 and 14 play video games, and the country is at the top of international rankings on the time spent using consoles.

However, despite the fact that many people play daily, another issue is little debated: to what extent is the consumption of electronic games considered healthy?

The USP survey shows that 28% of the four thousand adolescents interviewed make problematic use of electronic games and fit the criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder (IJD).

TJI is a type of addictive behavior considered a behavioral addiction. The main symptoms are decreased control over the beginning, frequency, intensity, duration, end and context of the game; increased priority (other daily activities become less important than the game); and increased frequency in the game even with all the negative occurrences in the routine.

Mental health at risk

According to psychiatrist Renato Silva, electronic resources can become a way to reduce stress and fear in real life, and young people end up finding greater satisfaction online than in real life. According to him, this is where fun can become a problem.

“The excessive use of social networks and video games can harm people’s mental health when they stop doing important activities, such as eating, sleeping, studying, working and socializing, to play video games”, he explains.

Silva explains that some research suggests that the use of electronic games can generate benefits, such as the development of both cognitive and motor skills. On the other hand, the professional says that some authors suggest that many of the users who make excessive use of video games and the internet present exacerbated forms of personal vulnerability, such as, for example, a low tolerance for frustration, social anxiety, and problems related to self-esteem.

The psychiatrist says that there is also a possible relationship between dependence and mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, science still does not know whether internet addiction precedes these disorders or is a consequence of them.

symptoms in the body

Among the physical problems that can be caused by the uncompensated practice of electronic games are lack of concentration, obesity, dry eye syndrome, hearing problems and poor posture. Experts warn that the first symptoms of exaggeration are pain in the joints and head, poor posture, changes in sleep and stress.

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