Legislators ask the TSJ to explain why Moya was re-elected as president

A group of opposition legislators presented a project so that the Superior Court of Justice of Neuquén (TSJ) report the reasons why they decided to re-elect the member Evaldo Moya as president, when both the provincial Constitution and the organic law of the Judiciary establish that the position must rotate annually.

The justification was made in very harsh terms. They argued that there is a “flagrant violation of the law” by the five members of the highest court -Germán Busamia, Alfredo Elosú Larumbe, Soledad Gennari, Gustavo Mazieres and Moya -who mutually choose each other for the position year following year.

«It has an unprecedented institutional gravity, transmitting a disastrous message to society, deepening the image of discredit and discredit of one of the Powers of the Statewhich is known to have been going through a crisis of legitimacy for some time,” said deputies Carlos Coggiola (Christian Democracy), Lucas Castelli (Avanzar), Luis Aquín (Together for Change) and legislators Leticia Esteves (Together for Change ) and Soledad Martínez (Front of All).

The point that unites the signatories of the project is the support that each one gave to Rolando Figueroa’s candidacy for governorthe heavyweight contender that Marcos Koopmann (MPN) will face on April 16.

«The remaining powers of the State cannot remain oblivious, silent and ultimately accomplices in this situationwhich warrants -at least and in the first instance- formulating a request for information regarding the reasons for breaking the law, since the Agreement (the resolution in which they communicate to the authorities) lacks foundation in this regard, ” they added.

They pointed out that the court, which should be “guarantor of the Law and the Constitution violates it with absolute carelessness”.

Distribution of charges

The Constitution, in article 239, establishes that the presidency of the TSJ “It will be rotated annually.” The organic law of the Judiciary also indicates that there must be rotation «among all its members, none of them can be elected once more until all have exercised it. The Body will elect its president by simple majority.

The interpretation of the current TSJ is the following: each year they have to discuss the distribution of charges and reach an agreement. That does not hinder the possibility that a member can continue in charge of the presidency.

Moya will preside over the court until February 2024 and will be in charge of conducting the Electoral Board, the year in which the next governor will be elected, and will act as substitute presidency of the Court of Accounts.

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