Banacloy criticized Soria for requesting the administration of the water service in Roca

The Minister of Production and Agroindustry Carlos Banacloy criticized the offer that the administration of the water pass to be in the hands of the Municipality of Roca «Is $110 million pesos in debt synonymous with good administration?he exclaimed.

The statement came out after the mayor of Roca, María Emilia Soria, announced that they formally requested that the provincial government cede to the Municipality the administration and provision of drinking water and sewage services in the city.

In this regard, the minister argued that the Municipality would not be able to carry out the administration of water, which today is in charge of the company Aguas Rionegrinas (ARSA).

It is this same municipal management, the one that hides and omits a relevant piece of information that affects all the residents of Roca, it is this same municipality that has a debt of $110 million for services received and not paid to the company ARSA»

Carlos Banacloy

The candidate for mayor stated that the municipal team hides the debt they have with the company and pointed out that it is a political strategy. «These $110 million debt contain a systematic plan to definance ARSA and harm the provision of a basic service such as water in General Roca and use it as a cheap political tool“, he expressed.

The member of Juntos Somos Río Negro pointed out that with this strategy they seek to compensate the debt generated with the province. «We all know your inability to dialogue, we all know your isolation to govern, we all know your lack of planning and projecting a city for the future“, he stated.

He also stressed that the residents of the city of Roque need health, education and that they receive basic servicesnot just “roundabouts, Christmas wreaths and million-dollar and not very transparent surveys”.

Also, He demanded “more transparency” to manage and to stop blaming third parties for the administration they carry out.

Finally Banacloy closed «Roquenses deserve better“In addition, he added” we already breathe an exhausted style, extreme personalities do not lead anywhere, it is time to say enough is enough.

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Soria’s request

Yesterday the mayor María Emilia Soria criticized the ARSA company and announced that it asked the government to cede the administration of the service.

«The lack of pressure and water, the constant losses of drinking water and sewerage, They are not a problem in the north of Roca, but in the entire city,” he said at the inauguration of the second municipal swimming pool.

Soria expressed her discomfort with the service provided by the company Aguas Rionegrinas. «More than a decade we have suffered from the defective drinking water and sewage service provided by the company ARSA affecting the quality of life of thousands of residents of the city of Roca, generating health problems and economic problems.

“This shows that the ARSA company is overwhelmed with the fulfillment of its responsibilities and incapable of providing the efficient service that each user pays for each month,” he said.

For this reason, they propose that the province cede the administration of the service to the Municipality, because “clearly they cannot take charge,” the president told RÍO NEGRO.

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