The descriptions of historical, exceptional, temporary, that we often give to various situations, moments or people, make us seem repetitive and we risk losing what is important that we want to point out.

This year, the third of the second decade of the 21st century, begins with great complexities. An important one is the great risk of global confrontations that are on the table, consequences that are more serious and frightening than the pandemic experienced. The focal points are located in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, as in the constant warnings we are given regarding Taiwan and China.

In the case of Venezuela, following a growth in 2022 that astonished many experts, we find ourselves in a clear possibility of recovery and sustained growth. The departure of the first shipments of Chevron crude has been an incentive for many companies that see this reopening as an opportunity for their businesses, and basically represents hope for our people. The end of the sanctions forces us more to the rationality of the opposition sectors. Put away the adventurous illusion of the marines or the “until he leaves” that caused pain to many and is partly a variable intervening in our ills.

We have a return to the necessary political rationality for the opposition and for the country, even necessary for the exercise of government itself within the balance established by our constitution. It forces those who want to alternate in national power to play the political game, the electoral game. But just as this effect of rationality and rethinking should have on the Venezuelan opposition, the country surely awaits its construction proposals, beyond vilifications and hateful commonplaces.

This new circumstance also obliges those of us who have public responsibilities, to work with results, to efficiency, to exemplary ethical administration. The future will be defined by our ability to work for everyone and win the affection and respect of the majority. And among us, among Bolivarians, unity as the essential reason. Unity around the noblest ideals, the best purposes. Unity around our leader and candidate for re-election.

It also obliges us to discipline and review so that unity is not an excuse for coexisting with errors and deviations. The optimal functioning within the law and the internal regulations of our organizations. Meanwhile, while we advance at full speed in this race to win affection and trust, the performance of the virtue that Kléber demanded of us: Audacity.

The application of the wise words of Simón Rodríguez: Originality. Our moment, our landscape, our reality of climate and geography. So as not to hold ourselves to slogans and imitations. Be original and be bold. That corresponds to those of us who call ourselves revolutionaries. Do what is necessary within our principles to achieve economic stability. To guarantee the people bread, science and dignity. Objectives at the bottom of our decrees discussed years before February 4, 1992.

Being and seeming, to have the approval of our people at a time of dilemmas. God willing different from those experienced with skirmishes and illegal and risky shortcuts that have added as an element to the frustrations and pain of Venezuelans. Important then this 2023. Full of hope for the faith of our people who are candid, simple and transparent this beginning of the year to the Divine Pastor.



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