The popular male singer has no cover to force his little sister to “be sour and hot” Huang Mingzhi can’t bear it and chokes the people | Entertainment | CTWANT

Malaysian singer Huang Mingzhi scolded a famous male singer in the community yesterday (15) for having raped his female woman without a condom. But it also attracted sour people to attack him for hype. After a brief silence, Huang Mingzhi posted a counterattack today and revealed the reasons for not disclosing the names of the parties involved.

Huang Mingzhi bombarded “those who say I want to rub the heat” on IG, saying that he only wrote the content of the incident in his private time-limited feed, and did not report it to the media. He did not disclose his name and the reason why the woman did not call the police was because of the woman Reluctant, “Do you think that if she calls the police, or holds a press conference in the newspaper, will the idiot fans of Xiao X believe her? Will the general public believe her? Or will they continue to scold her for being sent to the door automatically?”

He bluntly said that any artist has such fans, if the whole thing is made public, the woman may be “bullied to the O floor”, and finally choked “I hope all these people are like him X called Xiaoxiao. Miss X in two minutes.” In addition, following analyzing Huang Mingzhi’s last revelation, some netizens speculated that the famous male singer may be a male artist who developed in mainland China, or an artist with Hong Kong nationality, or even an artist who just went to Malaysia to perform.

(Picture / flip from IG)



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