Is teeth whitening safe for your health?.. Find out the answer

As we age, our smile begins to fade as certain foods and drinks can cause it smoking In changing the color of the teeth, which affects our smile, which was bright before.

According to the Cleveland website, home teeth whitening products such as strips and gels. These options have gained a lot of popularity, but are they really a safe way to lighten teeth? Or should you opt for in-office whitening treatments?

If your goal is to achieve a whiter smile, teeth whitening can be a safe option, but it is important to talk to your dentist first regarding your options and do your research.

Research shows that hydrogen peroxide products may damage the proteins in the dentin layer, the hard tissue found under the enamel of your teeth.

Another study showed that whitening products may soften or smooth the surface of your teeth.

But there is a caveat as these studies were done in a lab, not on live teeth.”

It’s possible that the changes are temporary and can reverse following a person stops using teeth whitening products. Even if the changes persist, it’s not clear if they’re worth bad news for your choppers.

It’s also important to take into consideration what type of product you’re using and how it fits in your mouth. You want to keep hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide on your teeth and away from your gums to avoid sensitivity and irritation.

How to whiten your teeth safely

Now for some reassurance, whitening products have been around for decades, used by millions – including many dentists, and we haven’t seen an increase in problems like the risk of tooth decay or tooth fractures following whitening.

The American Dental Association (ADA) has also said hydrogen peroxide whiteners are safe and effective.

How to avoid stains on your teeth

You can take steps to keep your teeth sparkling so you don’t have to use teeth whitening products as often either:

Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day (and don’t forget to floss).

-Quit Smoking.

– Reducing stain causes such as coffee and tea

Go for regular dental cleanings to remove plaque and surface stains.

Teeth whitening products whether they are an over-the-counter option you use at home or a professional treatment can be effective and safe, if used correctly.

If you want a brighter smile, teeth whitening products can be good tools.” “But they are not a substitute for good dental hygiene.”



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