4 ways to improve feng shui when returning home for Tet

Photo: House Beautiful

For most Asians, the most important thing during the year is being able to spend time with family during Tet. At this time, if you rush to move into a room that has been vacant for a long time, it will destroy your luck. Here are 4 ways for you to improve feng shui and help welcome new year luck.

1. Open the window for ventilation

A house that has been left unoccupied for a long time has a lot of moldy gas accumulating inside. So, the first thing you do when you get home is to open the doors for ventilation. At the same time, open all the windows to let the bad things brewing in the house flow out, reducing damage to your fortune.

Moreover, opening the window for ventilation is also beneficial for the prosperity of the air from the outside into the house, which can bring good feng shui to the house, adding good fortune to you.

2. Turn on the light

In addition to opening the window for ventilation, you should turn on all the lights in the room at the same time. In feng shui, all that is active is yang, and everything that depends on it is yin. The house is fixed and people are active every day, so the house belongs to yin, people belong to yang.

If there is no one in the room, there will be a lack of vitality inside, which can easily lead to yin and yang imbalance, easy to make poor spirits, often lose sleep, dream, mentally decline, have bad luck.

In such a situation, you need to open the windows to let the sunlight in, then turn on the lights to flood the room, in order to regulate yin and yang, stabilize the magnetic field, and welcome the incoming fortune.

3. Thorough cleaning

After coming home, you should clean the room very clean, including the nooks and crannies, especially places like under the bed, sofa. In this way, all the stuffy air hidden in the room for a long time is pushed out.

In addition, cleaning before the Lunar New Year is also a traditional custom from time immemorial, to welcome the new year cleanly and receive relatives and friends.

4. Place trees

In addition to the above ways, you can also decorate the room by placing some green plants to increase vitality, attract fortune and luck, improve the feng shui atmosphere in the house.

When the prosperity in the house increases, the people living in it are covered by the aura of wealth, so they will have good luck and fortune.

However, it should be noted that if placing green plants in the bedroom, the number should not be too much, preferably no more than two pots. At the same time, in the bedroom, do not place thorny plants like cacti, otherwise it will attract bad and evil energies into the house.



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