See photos of man struck by lightning

A 50-year-old man has died following being struck by lightning while riding his bicycle during a summer thunderstorm in the northeastern Italian city of Trieste. He had a cardiac arrest and was unconscious. A doctor walking nearby saw the unconscious man, came to his aid and called 911.

Still unconscious, doctors found that the lightning that hit him caused injuries to his head, pubic area and burst his eardrums. A tomography scan revealed that he had suffered a brain hemorrhage.


The unidentified man underwent surgery to stop the blood, but suffered rhabdomyolysis, a rare condition where muscle fibers break, which releases different substances into the bloodstream, affecting the kidneys.

The Italian was hospitalized and unconscious for 10 days. The brain damage picture worsened and he ended up passing away. The case was reported in Journal of Medical Case Reports.

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