Noah is the first harbinger of the new Freischwimma record “Brofezeiung” which will be released in June and is a 6-minute bluesy dialect song performed in a power trio formation. In 2021, Freischwimma was re-formed around singer and guitarist Florian Kargl, in the course of which it was much more rocking and Florian Kargl (voc/git), Jakob Bachbauer (bass) and Tobias Neuwirth (drums) now act as a power trio.
The song, which slowly begins with the electric blues guitar and gradually gets louder with the use of the other instruments, unfolds more and more and finds its climax in a long, expressive and boundless guitar solo. In the lyric video background: the foreboding moon.
Freischwimma already had the blues on the 2016 album “Roda Fodn” on songs like Kum Owa. In English, a blues power trio song would go like Noah probably danger of being measured too much once morest the big, shadow-casting role models. The song eludes this through the dialect. That dialect and the expressive guitar solo give the song independence and character. Works as closer of the new Freischwimma plate “Brofezzeiung“ which comes in June, certainly good, you can probably say that much.
Freischwimma are currently on tour in Austria, the tour dates are here:
04/23/22 Future Awakening, Future Farm Rothneusiedel
29/04/22 Klangtheater – Future Art Lab, Wien
05/15/22 Art instead of concrete festival, protest camp Lobau, Vienna
25/05/22 Belt Connection #10 Weberknecht Vienna
09/06/22 Album release show, RHIZ, Vienna Support: Philip Bradatsch Solo (GER)
05/08/22 Friedel Gastro Open Air, Greifenstein, Lower Austria
26/8/22 Vegan Mania Festival, Donauinsel, Vienna
28/10/22 Redbox Mödling, with “Train to Vienna”, Mödling, Lower Austria
12/11/22 Solo, WirtsHaus GIG Gasthaus Irschik, Weikertschlag/Thaya Lower Austria
(04/18/22: Change in the first paragraph. Names of the members added)
Guitar music and concert sketches