How to support someone with depression?

The WHO estimates that 5% of adults in the world suffer from depression, so it is likely that at some point in life we ​​will be close to someone with the condition, who will require our support. But do you know how support someone with depression?

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It is important to understand and identify the depression

One of the most important parts when it comes to power support someone with depressionexplain experts (and even patients), consists of know how to understand depressionand therefore understand what this condition implies.

The Center for Integral Psychology reports that in many cases, the main problem that patients with depressionis that your relatives or friends seem not understanding depressionso their behaviors, far from helping, can harm more.

This lack of knowledge can lead to behaviors that, although well-intentioned, are incorrect: o directly to the lack of supportmainly caused by the stigma and the prejudices that arise around the depression.

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What should you do if someone has depression?

Dr. Ana Cebrián, a family doctor at the Casco Antiguo Cartagena Health Center, as well as some testimonials from patients with depression compiled by Vice, explain that there are at least 11 things you should (and shouldn’t) do when a loved one or someone close has depression in order to help you:

  • Learn regarding what depression is.

    Doing so will help you avoid stigmatizing the condition and breaking prejudices. It is important that you understand that this condition affects the way you think, feel and act, and it is not something that does not depend on the will of the person who suffers from it.

  • Don’t think they can do it alone or without anyone’s help.

    And don’t make them feel that’s how it should be either. The depression It is a condition that requires the attention of mental health specialists, so you must help them understand that they will require it, but that they will also have their loved ones to help them in the process.

  • Avoid reproaching, criticizing or judging him.

    Say things like “what happens is that you are lazy”, “you’re making drama for nothing”, “you are sad because you want” o “you should pay attention to other things“, in addition to being incorrect, they will activate and make more intense the feelings of depression and its improvement will be difficult.

  • Give it time.

    Sometimes it is simply necessary to let them know that someone is with them and they will not be alone in this process. It is not regarding dedicating time to give them therapy, but so that they know they have someone to turn to.

  • Be patient and empathetic.

    The depression It is not something that is removed overnight, and believe it or not, it requires a great effort. Don’t try to pressure them. Listen to them and hear what they are going through. Congratulate them if they have made progress in their recovery, even if they are small.

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  • Get them to stay active.

    Dr. Ana Cebrián, a family doctor, explains that a key element of recovery is that they remain even minimally active. She does daily activities with the person that make them active and motivated while they are together.

  • Take the disease and its effects seriously.

    You must understand that the depression It is not something that happens because of age, nor because of being from one generation or another; it is a real condition, which in some cases can be very serious and can affect your quality of life.

  • In case he needs it, give him space, but don’t abandon him.

    It is important that you do not suffocate them, or make them feel pressured. In many cases, it’s best to give them their space as needed, but don’t make them feel like they’re alone.

  • If he expresses suicidal thoughts or ideas, take him seriously.

    Do not close off talking regarding this issue with the person, or take it to heart, or underestimate it. If he has told you, it is because you are a trustworthy person and he is taking the first steps to receive help. If it happens, see a specialist.

  • Listen to it and treat it normally.

    Even though this is a serious condition, don’t try to treat him differently than usual just because he has depression. While it’s important that you do speak up when he needs to, or that he has your support, don’t just “handle him” just because of his depression.

  • Help him adhere to the treatment.

    If you are already receiving medical treatment, it is best to support it so that it does not abandon it. Don’t judge him or make him feel bad for receiving it, because in addition to the fact that there is nothing wrong with it, it is important for his recovery.

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We should also be careful what we say to someone with depression

However, it is not enough to just do or not do, since what we say It can also have a great influence on people who suffer from depression.

The Animae Psychologists portal details which phrases you should avoid telling someone you have depressionsince you might worsen their condition, generating unpleasant feelings:

  • “Don’t be sad”, “Cheer up”, “Be happy”.
  • “You don’t look like someone sad.”
  • “It’s because you don’t do anything”, “What happens is that you are lazy”, “You are like this because you want to”.
  • “Why are you sad? You have many things you should be grateful for”, “We all have bad days”, “It might be worse”.
  • “Surely you want to die.”

(Con information of: Psychologists Animae, Vice, Rethink Depression, Center for Integral Psychology. )



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