Al-Sudani: The allocations of the governorate are according to the poverty map prepared by the Ministry of Planning

January 15, 2023

Baghdad / Obelisk: Prime Minister Muhammad Shayaa Al-Sudani affirmed, on Sunday 15/01/2023, that the success of the social research process is a prelude to placing funds by carefully targeting the poor, indicating that the governorate’s allocations are according to the poverty map prepared by the Ministry of Planning.

Al-Sudani said in a speech during the meeting of the Higher Authority for Coordination between the governorates that are not associated with a region, that the success of the social research process is an introduction to placing funds by targeting the poor, pointing out that families covered by social protection will receive a food basket that differs from the ration ration.

He pointed out that the service effort team will move to Muthanna and Maysan, indicating that the areas most in need of services must be determined to be included in the work of the service effort team.

He added that we must go to the field when rains occur and mobilize all efforts to prepare the areas, stressing that we must not allow any project to be disrupted and its completion quickly followed up.

Al-Sudani stressed the fight once morest corruption in various state institutions and governorates.

The Obelisk publishes the most important things that al-Sudani said during the third session of the Higher Commission for Coordination between Governorates not associated with a region:

???? Today, the largest social research process in the history of the ministry and previous governments was launched, targeting 1,746,086 families. This number applied for inclusion in the social protection network, from Baghdad and the provinces. The origin is more than two and a half million.

???? The research process is being conducted by two thousand social researchers from the Social Protection Authority of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and it needs the support of governors and ministries.

???? During this month, there will be a distribution of ration card items, for families covered by the social protection network, in a way that differs from the food basket that is distributed among the rest of the citizens.

???? We have 1.5 million families who receive the monthly cash subsidy. They will receive a food basket that differs in kind and quantity from the share that is distributed among the rest of the citizens.

???? The governorates are supposed to witness the formation of operating rooms, because the projects have been included, and there is direct work and work on reality.

???? Governors must attend and be present at project sites, and not allow any disruption or delay.

???? The citizen is waiting for these services, and the financial allocations have been included and the ministries have paid what they have, and there is nothing left but your concern and your field visits to follow up on service projects, and quickly.

???? Work and implementation must be carried out 24 hours a day, whether it is two or three meals a day, as allocations, employment and facilities are available.

???? We are in the rainy season, and treatments will not be by giving people a vacation, but rather they should go down and prepare areas, streets and schools, in a way that enables people to reach their work sites, and service departments must be ready and mobilize all efforts.

???? We started moving the service effort to some governorates, Muthanna and Maysan, for example, following we secured the money.

???? We need in every governorate to read the priorities by the governor in that region, in order to contribute to the implementation of service projects.

???? I assure ministers and governors to support the service and engineering effort on the issue of mechanisms. We want to provide fast services in densely populated neighborhoods that lack the most basic services.

???? There are neighborhoods and areas waiting that are not included in the plan. We must interact with this program and identify the areas most in need to proceed with it.

???? All that is urgent in terms of services for any region must be met to meet it forcefully, to provide service in any location and within any sector, and this is what people are waiting for.

???? We still adhere to the systematic scientific evaluation of all workers in the state according to these standards, away from any signs you may hear.

???? We have established a mechanism, criteria and indicators, on the basis of which the minister, the agent and the general manager will be evaluated.

???? Fighting corruption is not only concerned with the performance of the governor, but the governor is responsible for all departments of the province, and combating corruption is not only related to the behavior and procedures of the governor, and if there is a defect, it is in the administration of the province and on its basis the evaluation will be.

???? The minister is responsible for his agents, managers, departments and projects, and he is required to personally follow up on each department.

???? For the governor to watch the governorate’s departments turn into a breeding ground for corruption, the corrupt and the punished, and the citizen groaning from this corruption and seeking help, as this is a clear negative indication of the management of this executive official, which is a defect in management.

???? More oversight of the circle is required to ensure control of public money and provide service to citizens.

???? Poverty does not need a cash subsidy, but rather an improvement in the living situation, and improvement in education, health and housing services.

???? Governorate allocations must be in accordance with the poverty map prepared by the Ministry of Planning.

???? When the map states that this district is the poorest, it is supposed to direct the budget to this district, and compensate for the shortage of three-time schools or suffer from a problem with supplies. If a hospital or press center is not available, it is assumed that it will be provided and equipped with services.

???? Random distribution away from standards is a waste of money, consolidation and exacerbation of the problem.

???? The condition of inheriting poverty is the most dangerous, when poverty is inherited from parents to children, as they do not get an opportunity for education, vaccination, or decent housing.

???? There are so-called conditional services in the law that relate to cash grants to the family to keep children in school so that the problem does not turn into a deeper and chronic level.

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