The “police state” in Lebanon terrorizes the families of the victims of the Beirut explosion

The police state considers Lebanon Which succeeded in disrupting the investigation of a case Beirut port explosionIn silencing the voices of the families of the victims who reject the corruption system.

What is new now in the case is the arrest of the brother of the victim in the explosion, “Joe Noun”. William N By a State Security patrol, and with the spread of the news, angry and solidarity reactions with Noun continued, which led to popular anger that coincided with the blocking of roads and protests that covered most of the Lebanese regions.

The blood of the victims of the Beirut port explosion

The families of the victims of the Beirut port explosion said in front of the “Noun” detention center in Ramlet al-Bayda, “What we are doing is the beginning, and we demand that roads be cut off in all regions. Our blood is expensive and not cheap.”

President Fouad Siniora expressed his disapproval and denunciation of “the stupid and disgraceful behavior of arresting the brother of one of the port’s martyrs because of a phrase he uttered as a result of the injustice inflicted on his martyr brother, on all the families of the port’s martyrs, and on the thousands who were injured in that crime.”

He continued, “This is at a time when the judiciary is being prevented from exercising its role in achieving justice in order to find out the circumstances, clarify the truth as a result of that bombing, and punish all those who caused this heinous crime.”

Lebanon’s problem.. disrupting the judiciary

Representative Waddah Al-Sadiq said: “In the name of William Noun, I am certain that our problem is with the disruption of the judiciary in the file of the Beirut port explosion, and I asked the judicial bodies yesterday to calm down, and the process of procrastination regarding the procedures took place.”

He added, “William Noun was not arrested, but rather detained, since the file is the most thorny issue in the state,” and indicated that “the case is not Noun’s case, but rather is linked to the families of the victims of the Beirut port explosion.”

As for the leader of the Lebanese Forces, former minister Richard Kouyoumjian, he said, “William Noun’s crime is that he demands justice for the blood of his brother and all the victims of the August 4 explosion.”

He added, “These are the practices of the police state in particular, and William Noun is arrested because he broke glass in the Palace of Justice, while whoever broke Beirut and its port and destroyed thousands of homes is free.”

A Lebanese woman holds the Secretary of Hezbollah responsible for the Beirut port explosion -

No state stops «William Noun»

Representative Ziyad Al-Hawat tweeted, saying, “The attempt to arrest William Noun is a picture of no state, no justice, and chaos. Instead of arresting the criminals in the port bombing, those demanding justice and truth are being pursued. It is required to release William Noun immediately.”

Representative Ashraf Rifi tweeted and wrote, “O authority of repression and immorality, the arrest of William Noun is a crime in addition to obstructing the investigation of the port explosion.”

And he continued, asking: “Is it possible that the investigation and accountability for the crime of the era be suspended and none of the main criminals is stopped and those who demand justice are stopped? I am really joking. Release the hero William Nun immediately. You have become puppets in the service of the party of terrorism. History will curse you.”

Evil mind and army confrontation

block memberThe Lebanese BrigadesRepresentative Elias Hanakash, on Twitter, demanded the release of activist William Noun, and wrote in a tweet for the release of William Noun: “This is a case that concerns us all. The families of the victims are arrested and the accused are free. Shame.. This is the end of the world.”

The head of the Lebanese Council of Executives in Saudi Arabia, Rabih Al-Amin, said on Twitter: “The planner and mastermind behind the arrest of William Noun is an evil mind whose goal is to put the Lebanese army in the face of the revolutionary masses, and successively in the face of the sovereign masses.”

He continued, “The silence of the duo is like a flagrant cover-up of what is going on. The evil mind is laughing loudly. We are in dire need of the voice of reason and wisdom before it is too late.”



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