She did not shed a single tear.. The first meeting between her mother’s killer and her aunt

The sister of the murdered woman in Port Said in Egypt, Dalia Al-Hoshi, entered into a bout of crying and wailing after the Port Said Criminal Court sentenced her mother’s murderer with the help of her boyfriend in the city of Port Fouad, after their illegal relationship was revealed.

“They separated them”

Yesterday, Saturday, the aunt tried to reach her mother’s killer, but the security men separated them, and the aunt repeated, “I am all my goal is to ask her only,” Why did you do this to your mother, and how dare you kill her? According to what was reported by the “Al-Watan” website in Egypt.

Port Said fatal trial

On the other hand, Nourhan Khalil, the murderer of her mother, received the verdict calmly and emotionally steadily from the beginning of the session, and despite the Public Prosecution’s excitement in the pleading, and those present were affected, but she was calm and did not shed a single tear.

“ungrateful serpent”

In addition, yesterday, Saturday, an Egyptian court issued a death sentence against the girl in Port Said, who killed her mother with the help of her lover, and whom the Public Prosecution Office described as “an ungrateful life and a traitor to her family.”

The prosecution added, during its pleading in the first trial session of the accused of killing her mother, that the tragedy is “a mother’s humiliation over her daughter, and she killed her in order to remain in a perverted relationship with a child four years younger than her,” asking, “How could a girl whose mother insulted her brutally kill her for the sake of sex?” .

The killer with her mother

The killer with her mother

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“No mercy today”

And she demanded the execution of the accused and her lover, saying: “There is no mercy for her today, because the execution is a mercy for society, and perhaps it will be a mercy for them before God.” A death sentence has already been issued against her.

And the Port Said Criminal Court had started today the first trial of Nourhan Khalil, who is 20 years old, the murderer of her mother in Port Said Governorate, where she agreed with her lover Hussein Fahmy, who was not more than 15 years old, to kill her mother, Dalia Al-Houshi, who works as a labor supervisor at Al-Hayat Hospital in Port Fouad. She is 42 years old.

During the investigations, the girl admitted that she was not a virgin, while the investigations suggested that the mother caught her daughter in the arms of her lover, so they decided to kill her so that they would not be exposed.

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