Written by Mahdi Qassem

There was talk in the past days regarding the well-known “Iraqi generosity!!”, once once more, as this “phenomenon” caught the eye on the occasion of holding the “Gulf 25” matches in the city of Basra. Some of the participating Arabs praised this Iraqi generosity as they ate, drank, and perhaps slept Also for free, thanks to this unlimited generosity..
And it is the same “Iraqi generosity” that is repeated on annual religious or sectarian occasions, where hundreds of thousands of “visitors” eat and sleep for free, that is, for free, according to the Iraqi expression? ..
It is also possible to observe or see, over and over once more, tables filled with foods and dishes of calves, sheep or chicken thighs, and dozens of other types of food, vegetables and sweets, around which only a few influential officials and politicians sit, while those foods accumulated on the tables can suffice an entire army battalion. ..
Naturally, here we do not need a lot of exceptional acumen and intuition to know and know that this careless waste and sowing takes place in many cases at the expense of squandering public money with complete comfort! ..
Perhaps the issue of generosity and generosity is something that many people like, especially from the Middle Easterners, as a prevailing or inherited social habit, and it can also be said that there is nothing wrong with an acquired habit that charges the soul of those who apply it with verses of psychological pride and pride, if …….
We say if there are no groups and social strata in Iraq that are expanding and spreading while they live below the belt of extreme poverty and subsist on rubbish and rubbish in search of scrap and other things that can be sold for a few dinars in order to provide a morsel of bread for starving children. than others who are financially able.
Note that there are many countries that depend on increasing their public budget, depending heavily on revenues resulting from tourism events and activities and the large presence of tourists, whether they are local or foreign tourists, and are investing hundreds of millions of dollars to expand, develop and develop more institutions, projects and service-oriented facilities. tourism (such as Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon – for example, but not exclusively – as well as publishing and broadcasting permanent advertisements – to bring in more tourists, thus you have killed two birds with one stone:
Creating job opportunities, employing and employing large numbers of its citizens in these tourist service establishments and establishments first, and obtaining hundreds of millions of hard currency second, and in order to give additional impetus to economic development and create possibilities for its prosperity third …
Hence, does any Iraqi citizen who went to Mecca on a pilgrimage visit remember if he had obtained a bottle of water for free?!.
Of course, they don’t give anything for free in the Vatican either.
While it is known that Iraq enjoys many tourist areas and monuments and many religious and historical shrines, it can be used a lot, whether in terms of employment for the unemployed – and there are many of them in Iraq now – or for economic prosperity, in addition to the enormous oil wealth that can make it Iraq is a prosperous and developed country similar to the Gulf countries if it is ruled by some professional, honest and honorable statesmen..

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