Because of her voice, an Egyptian broadcaster was suspended and her program workers investigated

An Egyptian satellite channel decided to suspend one of its broadcasters, following widespread criticism of the way she performed and spoke during her program.
And the Egyptian “Al-Nahar” channel announced the suspension of Mona Al-Omda, the presenter of the “New Republic” program, and the referral of its employees for investigation, as well as those responsible for the program and its content.

Tweet by artist Hani Ramzy

The satellite channel said in a statement on Saturday evening that it had detected some errors and abuses in one of the last episodes of the program, and decided to stop it until it was returned to the right track, or canceled permanently, stressing its keenness to provide content and professional performance that befits its viewers and is approved by professional work ethics and codes regulating media work.

The program and its anchor were severely and widely criticized because the latter presented him with an inappropriate voice performance, and in a way that drew the ridicule of followers, commentators and viewers.

The artist, Hani Ramzi, criticized the presenter of the program and commented in a tweet on Twitter in a “comic way” and said, “It seems that I turned on the TV at an inappropriate time.”

The program deals with new projects undertaken by the state. During an episode on the New Administrative Capital, the broadcaster made grave mistakes that put her in the crosshairs of criticism and accusations, which prompted everyone to demand the suspension of the broadcaster and the suspension of the program.



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