Nationalization of Iraqi airports security

Iraq and most of the Arab countries have gone through what is called (to exploit or meaning like Occupation ) All the resources and goods of these countries during the period before and following their independence and obtaining their full sovereignty So it was JoyOurs are big and bright When we hear from time to time regarding the nationalization of one of these resources from the forced grip of a foreigner who perches on our breath to exploit that wealth that is the exclusive right and property of the peoples of those countries Perhaps the fifties and seventies of the last century witnessed the two greatest cases of nationalization of our Arab countries, the first in Egypt, when the Suez Canal, that sea passage whose resources have always gone to the British under the eyes of the people of the country, was nationalized, and the second and important case in the history of the marginal Iraqi stateThis is the nationalization of foreign oil companies, specifically British ones which was loot capabilities Iraq is under the eyes of its people, and how strong our patriotic feelings were towards these achievements made by the people of Iraq or Egypt.MBoth ) These legitimate gains for the people of those countries .

From this introduction that passed through my imaginationJ as I write this article that I feelSix and for a while She diedLike it In (some) its details With the topic raised in the article, which is the security and protection of Iraqi airports, which has always been since Three years and I’ve been writing regarding This is theIssue dynamic and sensitive toActivate the role of the Directorate Within the Ministry of the Interior concerned bProtecting the security of Iraqi airports All I had stepped out I propose to this crisis recently through means Media and publications, but electronic pages Furthermore I tried to send these proposals with their realistic solutions to government officials, especially The issue is beginning to take a serious turn Especially in the airport of the Iraqi capital when these foreign companies started it Conflict among themselves brought them toTo take over the airport, which is not hidden to the public where The British company is struggling to stay at Baghdad airport with its rival, the Canadian company, because the contract amount too big andIt exceeds twenty million dollars annually, and the strange thing regarding this huge financial contract is that these two companies work with Iraqi employees and there is no With them Except for some individuals of other nationalities As supervising them through experience gained through training and qualification In specialized centers accredited by the International Civil Aviation Organization, and these centers are located in Kl over the world and bl It can be opened inside Iraq easily To train and qualify Iraqi cadres within international regulations and laws to bring them to the level of these and more .

still there that theconcepts thewrong Who is trying to have an interest in the survival of these foreign companies passesinformation andideas that calls not to rely on thecadres airport security management IraqiForgetting that the real security currently are Iraqi cadres working under the umbrella of foreigners with contracts that appear to be resonant, but their reality is shameful, as this employee signs a contract for an amount of which he received only 50% And the rest goes to the foreigner under false pretenses warranty and clothingAnd other ways of deducting from the Iraqi’s pension, who works diligently, sincerely, and efficiently for a period of more than 12 hours a day. Indeed, there are months in which this employee in charge of a family or housing rent did not receive his amount for two months or more, as is the case. in this period of time current without anyone defending his rights , Therefore, I demand the inclusion of these cadres Specialized and working for years Efficiently under the umbrella of the Iraqi government maintains aWillA on his dignity as an Iraqi and secondly on aHis financial and living entitlements that are appropriate to the services he providesThis is by officially appointing them And as permanent employees of the Protection Directorate security airports This is a request I always hoped the official would respond to.

Back to those conceptsare incorrect andthat It has no legal cover in the world of aviation being The basis for the formation of such an entity requires primarily the presence of elements trained and qualified according to international standards from ICAO and local from the aviation authority civil for them from Professional capabilities toImplementation of the security plan prepared by the Airport Security Department and emanating mainly from the national program previously prepared by the Aviation Security Department of the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority andMight The best evidence for this proposition is the experience of airport security in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, which is managed with distinction by a government agency and not a private security company, and other experiences in the airports of neighboring countries. All of this. It should motivate officials in government specifically The Ministry of the Interior gives this matter the utmost importance becauseThe issue is related to receiving a sensitive security file, which is the security of Baghdad International Airport as a start, followed by receiving the security of other Iraqi airports successively. Bringing aviation and airport security experts in a simple contractual form physically to supervise These elite Iraqi cadres current and their consideration thenucleus to form these The Directorate, especially they are qualified to work in such a sensitive place For a period of one year only, during which the task of preparing and qualifying cadres is assigned seconds tothat government institution Afor a specialistH safe theairports through Work plan and training forTo prepare in a secure receipt The rest of the other Iraqi airports that depend on foreign companies, such as Najaf and Kirkuk airports, on a contractual basis, as they are investment airports. It is not impossible, and it can be applied easily if there are sincere intentions, and most importantly, true patriotism to work away from suspicions of corruption and others.I repeat and say for the second time or more that The author of this article is ready to provide this service if you ask him.

Aviation researcher and consultant



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