Xinhua News Agency, you leaked the secret! The article accidentally admitted that the reset failed. British media: the first time in history | China

The Chinese official media “Xinhua News Agency” published an article last week titled “China’s Optimizing Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures According to Time and Situation”. It wrote a long article of more than 10,000 words to disclose the transition process of the new crown epidemic prevention, but inadvertently leaked and admitted the failure of the eradication policy. , The British media “The Spectator” (The Spectator) interpreted this week, “For the first time in history, the Chinese government has admitted the real reason for the relaxation of zeroing. The zeroing policy cannot control the Omicron mutant strain.”

The “Xinhua News Agency” article mentioned that on November 10, 2022, an extraordinary meeting was held in Zhongnanhai, Beijing, and Chinese state leader Xi Jinping instructed to “improve the effectiveness of epidemic prevention work.” The 20 optimization measures proposed by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee for the first time in the parliament also represent that before the large-scale white paper protests swept across China, the top leaders of the Communist Party of China were discussing changes to the zero-clearing policy.

In early November, it became clear that China’s zero-out policy was failing to rein in the spread of Omicron. Even the wildly inaccurate official figures are seeing record numbers of new cases per day. As of November 10, more than 800,000 Chinese were locked up in square cabins, and millions more were placed under quarantine.

“Xinhua News Agency” also admitted in the article, “In October, new domestic epidemics continued to emerge, and the characteristics of rapid transmission became more and more prominent, affecting 31 provinces, and some local epidemics lasted for about 3 months. The characteristics of hidden transmission are obvious, cleared The difficulty is high, and the social cost and cost of epidemic prevention and control are getting higher…”

In addition to uncontrollable mutant strains, the Xinhua News Agency article also implicitly admitted that the white paper revolution was the key factor that forced the rapid unblocking. It wrote: “In China with a population of more than 1.4 billion, different people will have different demands. There will also be different opinions on things. In late November 2022, some people reported that some areas have “silent” management, “layer by layer” and other prevention and control issues, which aroused great concern.”

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The Singapore media “Lianhe Zaobao” pointed out that the long article of “Xinhua News Agency” is equivalent to an indirect acknowledgment that the White Paper Movement forced the Chinese government to change its anti-epidemic thinking, and reflected that the long-term clearing in the past was only a “delayed strategy”, and the official did not transition to post-clearing before. A clear plan for the times. “The Spectator” said: “It seems that between the virus and the fatigue of the blockade, the CCP surrendered easily.”

Beginning in late November 2022, Chinese universities took the lead in setting off a “blank paper revolution” to speak out for anti-zeroing, which has also become a key factor in China’s unblocking. Figure: Flipping @t3n0TYnpIQ0eF0D Twitter (file photo)

Beginning in early November 2022, China has accelerated the construction of shelter hospitals, and all signs indicate that the highly contagious Omicron mutant strains have made the zero-clearing policy uncontrollable.Picture: flipped from Weibo

Beginning in early November 2022, China has accelerated the construction of shelter hospitals, and all signs indicate that the highly contagious Omicron mutant strains have made the zero-clearing policy uncontrollable.Picture: flipped from Weibo

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