Girls get married 6 times in 6 years. Netizens are stunned after listening to the reasons. The irony is as simple as paying for the market.

Has anyone given more? The showman registered 6 marriages in 6 years with the same groom. Netizens say that they act like paying for the market.

according to the report found The couple live in Liaoning Province, China, have been through 5 divorces and have had 6 legal marriage certificates in the past 6 years. surprised What was the reason for the couple getting married and getting divorced repeatedly?

by the girl who owns the story She and her husband met in 2016 and their relationship quickly moved forward. They decided to get married. And first divorced on May 25, 2017, then they decided to marry again. In early January 2018, however, only 4 months later The couple divorced again. and so on Until the latest wedding that took place in 2021, which is considered the 6th time and have been living together since then. There has not yet been a sixth divorce.

She also added that She knew that it was difficult for one person to understand the whole story of another. And admits that both husband and wife want to be honest about their feelings. So they break up when they feel uncomfortable with each other. And remarry if they feel the other person brings happiness. They also advise others not to learn this from them. Because it takes a lot of time and effort.

The story of a woman who has been divorced five times, married six times to just one man immediately sparked a conversation on social networks. Many commented that the couple acted as if they looked down on the wedding ceremony. by viewing the Department of Civil Affairs as just a “market”, while others see They just really live their feelings. Because love or marriage is not only sprinkled with roses.

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