Paula Durán: Colombian with cancer shows signs of improvement, according to husband – People – Culture

The story of Paula Durán, the 27-year-old from Huila who migrated to California, United States last year, along with her husband, Sergio Vega, and their two daughters, ages 9 and 4, who was diagnosed with cancer at the stomach and brain when she was 34 weeks pregnant and had to undergo emergency surgery, has made national headlines.

Initially, It was revealed that Paula continued to fight for her life while her husband asked the Colombian and United States authorities for a humanitarian visa so that the family of the young woman might accompany her soon, while the doctors assured that the cancer had metastasized, since it had invaded other organs.

Hundreds of Internet users joined the request, who apparently have not only sent messages of support to her and her partner, but also echoed them to capture the attention of the authorities. For its part, the Foreign Ministry reported that it had filed a humanitarian visa application for the relatives of Paula Durán.

(Also: Government advocates for a humanitarian visa for a family from Huila in the United States).

Given the situation, Paula sent a message before the cameras addressed to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, who have the last word in the case. “Hello, Mr. President. I want to ask you to please move my parents and my in-laws to the United States so that I can be with their support. Thank you“, he said in a clip shared on Instagram.

Recently, Sergio Vega shared an update on the situation on the same social network. In a video, which has accumulated more than 82,000 views, he pointed out that things were changing for the better in terms of his wife’s health.

(Can read: Colombian in the US requests humanitarian visa for relatives of his wife).

“In apartment 1118, here in Concord, California, a miracle is starting to work, we are really starting to feel it. We have had 3 days here in the apartment and we have seen the change in her, ”he began by saying in the clip.

“We have really seen her change, she has been eating super well since yesterday (…) she has already begun to see silhouettes (…) We are here giving her all the love in the world, preparing her the food that she likes and showing her all the text messages that you send, I put them on her and that strengthens her.e”, he told regarding his partner’s state of health.

He did not hesitate to affirm that “a miracle was taking place”.

He continued commenting that, although at first it was difficult due to time issues, he was able to communicate with a doctor in Italy named Alberto Muhammad, who would have given him lights for treatment of the disease.

“When I started talking to him, I felt that he was sent from God. From the beginning we generated great trust, he is a doctor who is in Italy called Alberto Muhammad and I really already have the treatment that will raise my wife. I’m going to get with her, he’s old so i’m very motivated“, he claimed.

Vega and her family have received different aid such as donations and support from relevant figures in the show, such as the case of actress Lorena Meritano. “In the name of God, I believe in miracles. With faith, love, empathy, solidarity Paula will be healthy, God willing. Thank you doctor Alberto Muhammad, God bless you for putting his knowledge at the service of Paula Durán. We will continue donating, praying and accompanying this family with respect, solidarity and love”, he commented in the video.

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