News 24 | It has recently spread in the Kingdom and is linked to crime.. What do you know about Shabu?

The General Secretariat of the National Committee for Drug Control confirmed that shabu has recently spread in the Kingdom, and is considered very dangerous and addictive, while studies prove that its use is linked to violent criminal behavior.

The committee stressed that the drug shabu has a strong effect on brain cells, as it causes a sudden increase in dopamine levels, which changes the way the user thinks, to become apprehensive and anxious, in addition to feeling auditory and visual hallucinations.

Official warnings regarding the dangers of “methamphetamine”

In the same context, the National Committee for Drug Control warned, in its interview with “News 24“All narcotic substances have an effect on the mind, as they make the user unable to make judgments, and affect the nerve conductors, but the drug user in particular becomes detached from reality, which makes it a very dangerous matter.

Shabu.. Serious effects and violent accidents

The committee pointed out that a number of Shabu users have committed aggressive acts towards others, thinking that those who harbor evil and bad intentions for them, saying: We are witnessing its serious effects through some violent and brutal incidents carried out by its abusers in our society.

Join hands and stand earnestly

And she stressed the need for society to unite in order to raise the level of awareness of the danger of shabu, which has recently spread in the Kingdom, in addition to being keen to reduce the factors that lead individuals to abuse it, such as poor communication between family members.

She also called for the importance of standing seriously towards cases of shabu abuse that may appear among a family member, stressing the importance of finding therapeutic solutions for them by consulting specialists.

Low level of youth awareness of the dangers of youth!

The Secretariat warned of the low level of awareness among young people of the dangers of shabu, which prompted some to boldly try it, despite its danger and speed of addiction, in addition to its destruction of the human body.

Behavioral changes.. Evidence of drug abuse

The committee says: The evidence of Shabu drug abuse is represented in behavioral changes such as alertness and lack of sleep, along with a sudden change in mood, poor perception of events, in addition to impulsiveness, a change in the way of talking, and movement, pointing out that among these indications is the availability of some tools in the possession of the abuser. which is used to smoke bubbly.

Paranoia and Mood Disorders… Short-Term Problems

In addition, the National Drug Control Committee stated that the short-term health effects of Shabu drug abuse are high blood pressure, rapid and irregular heartbeat, loss of appetite, sleep disorders, insomnia, paranoia, and mood disorders.

Despite the obvious effects, there are still long-term risks, according to what the committee itself concluded, represented in permanent damage to the heart, lung, liver, and kidneys, in addition to the brain, in addition to anxiety and psychological disorders, skin dryness and itching, in addition to osteoporosis. Premature and severe dental abnormalities.

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