Restaurant owners criticize new regulations for tobacco control: “Health exceeds its powers”

The National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) criticized the new regulation of the Law for the tobacco controlwith which it obliges establishments that in their outdoor spaces intended for smokers They do not provide any kind of service.

In a statement, this organization assured that the new regulation which enters into force on January 15 does not have a health justification for the prohibition of the consumption of food or drinks in the area designated for smokers.

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They assured that with this regulation the Health Secretary “He exceeds his powers by assuming the functions of a legislator and it would be the first time in the country that by official disposition a legal product is hidden for sale.”

According to the new regulation published in the Official Journal of the Federation On December 16, 2022, article 33 states that the exhibition from some tobacco product in any type of visible or closed displays, either inside or outside the places that sell these products.

“The direct or indirect display of products made with tobacco in accordance with article 2, sections VI Bis and VI Ter, of this Regulation”.

Before this, the Canirac He explained that the display of the products has a purpose other than them.

The organization assured that now they are obliged to hide the cigarettes or any product you have tobacco and that this “will put legal tobacco products on an equal footing with illegal ones.”

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Likewise, the regulation also forces the shops with a smoking area to move these points away from places of passage and to place air ducts.

“Be located in a cerco perimetral of at least ten meters from the entrances, accesses, exits or any obligatory place where people pass or congregate, as well as from the places where there are air inlet ducts”.

In article 65, to the smokers forbids them light any tobacco product in spaces known as collective concurrence, such as: “patios, terraces, balconies, amusement parks, playgrounds or places where girls, boys and adolescents stay or congregate”.

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They are also considered “urban development parks, sports parks, beaches, performance and entertainment centers, fields, stadiums, arenas, shopping malls, markets, hotels, hospitals, health centers, medical clinics, sites or places of religious worship, places of consumption or service of food or beverages and transportation stops.



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