Weather: “Belgium will soon be under the flow of maritime polar air”

Faced with the weather situation, La Libre contacted meteorologist Pascal Mormal. According to him, the situation is not critical but is to be monitored until Sunday because heavy rains are announced in the coming days. “These winter rains are nothing to worry regarding as long as they do not exceed a certain threshold of intensity. We must therefore not directly dramatize the weather but rather see how it will evolve. These winter rains can even be beneficial for groundwater, unlike summer rains which tend to run off. Heavy rains in summer are indeed more likely to cause flooding as was the case in July 2021, when exceptional rainfall fell in a very short time. “

The meteorologist does not see in this winter precipitation a link with global warming. He recalls that rains of this intensity have already hit Belgium in 1984, 1993 and 1995.

Pascal Mormal explains that since December 18 our country has been under the influence of a south-southwest flow. This explains the temperatures around 10-12 degrees even if he specifies that this seasonal mildness can be linked to global warming unlike heavy rains. According to him, “the country will be under the flow of maritime polar air from next week. Temperatures are therefore expected to cool down while the humidity will likely turn to slush.”



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