Hitmen shoot bus driver for not paying vaccine

The victim died following the attacker posed as a passenger and shot him several times.

A 47-year-old man was killed by multiple shots as part of an alleged act committed by a hitman.

The murder occurred on the road that leads to the La Cañada road, Zulia state.

On the morning of this Wednesday, January 11, in the Negro Primero neighborhood, a bus driver died and then the transport unit collided with a concrete wall, located on the side of the road.

The citizen, according to reports, parked to pick up a passenger, who minutes later drew a firearm and fired multiple times.

The homicide occurred as part of a reprisal, since the driver did not want to pay for the vaccine, according to Final Version.

A PoliSur and Cpez commission went to the site and began a series of investigations at the scene of the murder.

Officials from the Homicide Brigade of the Criminal, Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigation Corps (Cicpc) also went to clarify the case.

As it became known, the driver received two shots to the head and tried to pull over, but at that moment lost control of the vehicle. He then he went off the road and crashed into the wall.

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