Shakira BZRP lyrics | Bizarre | session 53 | The lyrics of Shakira’s new song with high references to Piqué and Clara Chía | Gerard Pique | Spain | Colombia | Argentinian | | LIGHTS

The Argentinian Producer and the Colombian singer They have collaborated in session number 53. The session had to take over from the previous session with the Spanish Quevedo, who went viral organically thanks to the support of social networks. A catchy chorus, a production that flirts with trap and urban music and the already classic recording studio that crowns the entire song on an audiovisual level.

We’ll see if this session achieves the success rates of its predecessors, so far the reception has been good but the world of music is very fickle, since you never know why you often have to give ‘second chances’ to songs before add it to your playlist.

The Colombian had a lot of pressure on her shoulders, since the lyrics of the session were going to be analyzed part by part for all the events related to Gerard Piqué, her ex-husband. Therefore, the theme has not disappointed and many have launched into networks to look for double meanings to each comma of the song.

LOOK HERE: Bizarrap in Lima: the collaborations that went viral | PHOTOS

“I was too big for you, that’s why you’re with someone just like you. This is for them to notify, so swallow, swallow, chew. I will not return with you, even if you cry to me, or beg me. I understood that it is not my fault that they criticize you, I only make music, sorry that I splashed you “

“So much that you gave yourself as a champion and when I needed you, you were your worst version,” he adds, while recalling one of his greatest successes when he sang that “a wolf like me is not for rookies” or for “guys like you.”

MORE INFORMATION: Bizarrap arrives in Lima for the first time: How much will the tickets for the Barrio Latino Remix Festival cost?

He also dedicates a few lines to Piqué’s new partner, Clara Chía, assuring that “she has the name of a good person… it’s clearly not what it sounds like” and ends by telling the footballer that “she’s just like you” before closing, explaining ironically that “from love to hate there is a step”.



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