Ilham Aliyev admits the lack of national economy and local production

Chairman of ADR, economist Gubad Ibadoglu

Yesterday Ilham Aliyev’s preconceived answers to the questions agreed with him and his team during the meeting with selected journalists do not stand up to weak criticism.
Pay attention, Ilham Aliyev said in response to ITV’s question that “Inflation in Azerbaijan is imported inflation. Because we, of course, are a part of the world economy, we import many goods, and we work in this direction so that local production replacing imports becomes more widespread. But of course we are still dependent on imports. Therefore, if it is possible to say so, inflation was imported to Azerbaijan. According to the results of last year, it was 13.9 percent. That is, our ability to fight with this imported inflation is quite limited.”
This is an acknowledgment of the lack of national economy, local production.
This is to shift the responsibility for high inflation in the consumer market onto himself and his team.
This confirms the dependence of the economy on external shocks, and demonstrates the impotence by saying that “our possibilities of struggle are quite limited.”
This is an indicator of the incompetence of the economic team, which has not been able to build a local economy that replaces imports even at the minimum level for 20 years, the lack of diversification of the national economy, and the lack of trade liberalization.
This is proof that the economic course of the last 20 years is wrong and it is a prediction that the future of Azerbaijan’s economy will be active.
This is a message to the people, don’t be selfish, go take care of yourself.
How is it that as of November 1 of last year, compared to the same period of the previous year in Azerbaijan, inflation was 12.1 percent, while in Armenia it was 6 percent, and in Georgia it was 7.1 percent? Because the states of Armenia and Georgia support competition, fight once morest bribery, and family rule in Azerbaijan creates conditions for the development of monopoly and corruption.
The question is, if our opportunities to fight inflation were limited, then what was the need for the order of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 21, 2022 “On urgent measures to strengthen anti-inflation measures in the Republic of Azerbaijan”?



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