Independence | January 1, 2023: Parade in New York of a parade of policemen, doctors, engineers, Haitian workers, announces Jean Hervé Charles (audio)

The de facto PM, Dr. Ariel Henry, who initialed last October along with 17 other collaborators and conzesa text of resolution requesting “immediate” occupation of the national territory by foreign boots, will he push his hypocrisy so far to come and talk regarding the prowess of the MEN of 1804?

New Jersey, Sunday, December 11, 2022 ((–A parade of the Haitian United States community is set to march through the streets of Flushing, New York, on January 1, 2023, on the occasion of the 219th anniversary of the independence of Haiti from France, informs the Fondation Jude Elie.

Jean Hervé Charles, former candidate for the presidency of Haiti in 2015, contacted by Rezo Nòdwès, wanting to be optimistic regarding the pleasant outcome of this project, being implemented for the first time, invites all Haitians to come and attend to this parade of the Haitian working classes of New York, including police officers, doctors, nurses, bus drivers, engineers, lawyers, “City workers” and other Haitian or Haitian-American nationals.

The foundation Jude Elie by the procession of a parade in New York, on the occasion of the 219th of our Independence, on January 1, 2023, ” wants to demonstrate to the American public that Haitian essential workers represent the soul of New York“. In this sense, she says she is counting on the presence in large numbers of ” bus drivers from NICE, MTA, taxi drivers, nurses, doctors, police officers, engineers to march in formation and in uniform« .

Haitian culture, pumpkin supper, a world heritage site will take center stage on Main Street in Flushing, New York. ” We also want to see the bands of Rara parade and above all we want to invite Haitian restaurants to come and sell our joumou soup that Dessalines left us as a legacy to signify that blacks must also enjoy, just like whites, what the French colonists took pleasure in. to taste« .

Find below the entire interview of Jean Hervé Charles to Rezo Nòdwès regarding the day of January First 2023 in New York, on the occasion of the 219th of Independence.

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