The Wenshan delegation held a plenary meeting and a temporary party branch meeting

Original Title: Wenshan Prefecture Delegation Holds Plenary Meeting and Temporary Party Branch Meeting

On the morning of January 10, the delegation of Wenshan Prefecture, which participated in the first meeting of the 14th Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress, held a plenary meeting of the delegation.

According to the agenda of the conference, the Wenshan delegation elected Chen Ming as the head of the delegation, and Wang Yi and Ma Zhongjun as the deputy heads. The meeting reviewed the draft list of the Bureau of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General, the draft agenda of the General Assembly, and the draft list of members of the Proposal Review Committee.

The meeting pointed out that the first meeting of the 14th Provincial People’s Congress was held in the province’s critical period of thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the third plenary session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, and striving to create a new situation in Yunnan’s socialist modernization in a new era An important meeting is a major event in the political life of the province. We must deeply understand the great significance of this meeting, effectively unify our thoughts and actions into the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee, earnestly perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws with a strong sense of political responsibility, and actively contribute to the promotion of the province’s economy. Suggestions and suggestions for high-quality social development.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to conscientiously perform duties in accordance with the law, be serious, be highly responsible, seek truth and be pragmatic, discuss and deliberate various work reports, and correctly handle democracy and centralization, rights and obligations; Be principled and disciplined, and strictly implement the “ten prohibitions” general discipline requirements and conference work requirements to ensure that the conference truly reflects the organic unity of the party’s ideas and the will of the people.

On the morning of January 10, the delegation of Wenshan Prefecture, which participated in the first meeting of the 14th Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress, held a temporary party branch meeting.

The meeting announced the list of temporary party branch secretaries, deputy secretaries, and committee members of the delegation, and conveyed the spirit of learning from the two sessions of the CCP member meeting and the special meeting on strict discipline.

The meeting requested that the party members and comrades of the Wenshan delegation should speak clearly regarding politics, loyally support the “two establishments” and resolutely achieve the “two maintenances” with practical actions, and focus on the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the provincial The work requirements of the committee came up, and the wisdom and strength were concentrated in promoting the reform, development and stability of the province, doing a good job in all aspects of the conference with a high sense of political responsibility and mission, and ensuring high-quality completion of the tasks of the conference. It is necessary to fully promote democracy, closely focus on the theme and agenda of the conference, carefully organize deliberations, put forward more constructive opinions and suggestions, and find out ideas and methods for improving work and promoting implementation, so as to make the resolutions and important documents passed by the conference better. Fully implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee, conform to the reality of Yunnan, fully reflect the wishes of the people, and truly reflect the will of the people. We must conscientiously perform our duties, give full play to the exemplary role, strengthen responsibility, perform our duties with all our heart, properly exercise the power of representatives, do a good job in the election of the General Assembly, and ensure the successful completion of the election tasks of the General Assembly. We must strictly enforce discipline and rules, always put discipline and rules in front, take the lead in implementing political discipline, organizational discipline, confidentiality discipline, integrity discipline, and meeting discipline, and strive to create a clean and positive atmosphere to make this Provincial People’s Congress a success The conference of democracy, unity, truth-seeking and forging ahead fully demonstrates the good image of representatives of Wenshan Prefecture. (Yan Hongxing)



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