Are you interested!! Poland offer Gerrard as new coach ahead of Euro 2024

Steven Gerrard, former Reds legend Is considering a proposal to assume the position of the new coach of the Polish national team.

Steven Gerrard Former Liverpool captain midfielder Approached by the Polish Football Association to assume the position of coachPoland national teamThe new man replaced Ceslav Michnivice, whose contract was not renewed. After leading the team to the round of 16, the final team of the 2022 World Cup

Gerrard is unemployed as a manager following being sacked by Aston Villa in October 2022. News reports indicate that polish football association has made an offer for the 42-year-old Reds legend to consider Which is currently referred to as still in the process of making a decision

However, Poland does not have Gerrard as the only candidate, but also has Herve Renard Saudi Arabia national team coach Is another option that is interested as well, with Poland rushing to find a new coach to take over To prepare for the Euro 2024 football battle, which will begin the qualifying round in June.

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