“They come to throw me away like a piece of paper”: UACh worker fired after 40 years summons the rector | National

“I have been the cloth of the students’ tears, I have been the hand that has supported them, that has fed them, all that, but they come to throw me like a piece of paper, like a comfort to the bin,” Leonardo told him. Beroiza to the rector of the UACh following being fired following 40 years of service. In total, on January 6, 37 workers were dismissed.

A total of 37 people were dismissed on January 6 at the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh), which led to a series of mobilizations by officials.

Of the total, 20 people were working in the Infrastructure Department and the Service Department, while the remaining 17 were in the central casino. Among this last group of people was Leonardo Beroiza, who served in the place for 40 years, until he was separated.

“I have been the cloth of the students’ tears, I have been the hand that has supported them, that has fed them, all that, but they come to throw me like a piece of paper, like a comfort to the bin, telling me that ‘you are disconnected from the u”, Leonardo indicated in a video shared by the National Union of Workers of the UACh on January 9, in a question to the rector Hans Richter.

Beroiza, adds the record, questions it because they did not prepare it like other colleagues. “I have a daughter studying at the university, who is going to help me pay her tuition with the benefits I have, why didn’t they send me to another unit,” added Leonardo, who added that “they didn’t even look at my face to tell me ‘you are disconnected from the u’”.

Amid the support of other unrelated workers, the man had some last words for Rector Richter: “I remember that I took care of you as a student,” Leonardo told him.

Dismissals at the UACh: talks continue if progress is made

On Tuesday morning, union leaders and executives met at the university’s main house, where proposals were presented, supporting the position of reinstating the dismissed workers, said Solange Doussoilin, president of the Workers Union No. 1 .

The leader added that they also held another meeting with the labor seremi, to be able to guide the next measures that are sought to be adopted.

As indicated, there would also be irregularities in some dismissals, since at least four people, at the time of notification, had a medical license.

It is worth mentioning that the rector, Hans Richter, had already indicated to the microphones of Radio Bío Bío Valdivia that the decision of last Friday would be maintained, deducing that there is no possibility of reinstatement.

Through a statement, the house of studies indicated that a tender has been called for the Casino Central unit that will favor the applicant companies that ensure the rehiring of the personnel that worked there.

In this sense, the deputy rector, Juan Andrés Varas, stated that they are available to make these processes more participatory.

For this Thursday, January 12, a new meeting between the partieswhich will take place at 9:00 a.m. at the UACh headquarters.

This Wednesday, the Teachers Union, together with the National Union No. 1 of Workers, will hold a press point in the auditorium No. 4 of the Nahmías Building, on the Isla Teja Campus of the university, in order to refer to this situation.



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