Vienna health system alarmed: Doctors want to resign!

Vienna. The survey that activates the Vienna administration! The Vienna health system has sounded the alarm; The vast majority of doctors are considering quitting their job at the hospital!

The third part, devoted to the future of the health system, of the survey of nearly 2,000 Viennese hospital doctors, revealed alarming results: 91 percent of respondents said they did not expect an improvement in their workload, while 90 percent said they sympathized with the quitting of nurses in hospitals.

But the real bad news for the people of Vienna is that two-thirds (67 percent) of doctors consider leaving the hospital repeatedly, often, or consistently. The mood may have worsened once more in the few months since the September survey, according to interviewer Peter Hajek. Stefan Ferenci, Vice President of the Vienna Medical Association „If the Vienna city government does not act now, the hospitals will soon be empty“ made his comment.

Doctors want to open private practice

According to the survey, nearly half (48 percent) of doctors who want to resign are striving for a future where they will work as a resident private doctor, while only 22 percent dream of a position as an insurance doctor.

Noting that the public health system is becoming less and less attractive to employees, Ferenci, Vice President of the Medical Association, said: “Colleagues are tired of having to greet patients as if they were on an assembly line. More time for people – that’s what all healthcare professionals want. We have enough staff to meet this demand of doctors” addressed the authorities.

Vienna administration held crisis meeting

Ferenci blamed the Vienna Health Association (WIGEV) for the lack of personnel. “Any employer who receives such a devastating reference from their employees should consider what they can do to retain their employees.” said.

It has been reported that the staff shortage is particularly worrying in the field of pediatrics and youth health. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, it was learned that a one-on-one meeting took place on Tuesday between Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) and Vienna Medical Association President Johannes Steinhart. (<>)



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