Al-Marsad Newspaper: The meteorologist, Dr. Khaled Al-Zaaq, revealed that today, Wednesday, is the first day of Shabbat.
Al-Zaaq indicated in a tweet on his Twitter account that Shabt is the season that is characterized by the blowing of cunning winds, which is called by the public as the Al-Husni (the Fox) because it does not settle on a specific side, in addition to its coldness, the number of its days is 26 days.
Al-Zaaq pointed out that the shabt is the second season of the actual winter, explaining that the actual winter is approximately 90 days, of which 40 are square days, and 50 days are divided into the shabt and scorpions.
The meteorologist pointed out that the shibt was named following the Syriac month “Ishbat”, and it falls at its beginning as an extension of the blue season because the bodies turn blue due to its coldness.