Where can you neuter your pets in Cipolletti

The public services secretary of cipolletti continue with the free cat and dog neuter schedule. There are different points in the city to carry out these operations, in some cases it is with previous shifts, but they also made available mobile operating rooms.

As reported, the club san martin is one of the institutions in charge. Shifts for castrations are provided from Monday to Friday from 8 to 12, for the month of February. They will be neutered from Monday to Friday in the morning and they will be enabled 420 shifts per month.

In the case of The pearlsis sterilized from Monday to Friday in the morningand the shifts are delivered Tuesday starting at 9 by telephone contact, communicating to the 299-6858644.

From the zoonoses and vectors department it was reported that the mobile operating room 1 is completing the interventions in the Barrio Obrero to continue its work in the Jordan Island on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

While the mobile operating room 2 continues in CPC of the Anaí Mapu neighborhood. The Tuesday and Thursday followingnoon, and Wednesday morningwith a total of 15 turns per day.
Mobile OR 3 will be in the Municipal stadium located at United Nations 1700, on Monday and Friday morning. In the case of operating room 4, it is located in North Coast.

Shifts for castrations in neighborhoods with mobile operating rooms house-to-house search in order to make the service effective.

For appointments and consultations, the municipality provided two telephone numbers to communicate: 299-5692877 o 299-5720311.

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