The Environment Committee met.. What did the session deal with?

The Parliamentary Environment Committee held a session in the Parliament, headed by Representative Ghiath Yazbek, and in the presence of Minister of Environment Nasser Yassin and members of parliament. Representatives of the competent departments attended and discussed the Integrated Solid Waste Management Law, to give municipalities the financial capabilities to collect and treat waste and the deteriorating reality of landfills and landfills.

After the session, Yazbek said: “We met today in the Environment Committee, in the presence of the Minister of Environment, and we and him are trying to create a kind of integration for all sectors, bodies, departments and expertise who deal in environmental affairs, so that we can put together this crumbling structure and confront it in a scientific and modern way, in a final and inexpensive way.” And healthy. We can bring together all these sectors to come up with an integrated general project for waste treatment.”

Yazbek added: “We agreed in today’s meeting to have an inclusive meeting, an inclusive workshop under the dome of the parliament, in pursuit of an integrated plan that includes all sectors of production and everyone involved, from landfills to municipalities, to the Union of Municipalities and to civil associations, so that we can end this scourge.” Especially since the slowdown in the state and the problem in politics do not concern the unions at all.

And he continued: “The waste accumulates and multiplies. Yesterday in Sidon and before that in Tripoli and the Bekaa. Everything in Lebanon crumbles, falls and drowns under the waste, whether it is sewage, or solid and industrial waste, leading to the failure to address this crisis.”

Environment Minister Nasser Yassin said: The issue raised by Mr. Ghiath, comes a lot of complaints, pictures and news in the areas that show the unjust felling of trees and we must include it. This issue has been closely followed up with the Ministry of Agriculture, because it is the ministry that is the guardian of forest management and environmental management. It supervises the reserves, but it is part of our role that we have advanced the reports once morest people who cut down trees.

He added, “There is a difficult security situation to follow up on all this cutting. In the judiciary, there is a specific situation where there was a retreat. What I want to say is that a session will be organized between the Ministries of Agriculture, Environment and Interior, for the issue of cutting trees. This issue must be taken in a new way, that Fuel prices for heating, especially in cold regions, will not return to what they were in the past. The basis for this issue is that there is a management of the biomass that is produced from behind forests and forests, in the sense of transporting, cleaning and producing industrial firewood for heating. This will be our discussion with Professor Ghayath and with the Environment Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and everyone involved in this matter.

Yassin said: “The main issue today is solid waste management, especially the amendment of Law 18/80 submitted by Professor Ghayab Yazbek related to amending an article that allows municipalities to take direct fees to be able to cover the cost of solid waste management. We, as the Ministry of Environment, have developed an integrated plan to manage this sector. Each This integrated series will be covered.It was previously through the independent municipal fund or through the public treasury.Today, in the current financial situation, it must be covered through fees directly, as stipulated by Law 18/80, and this is the logic of solid waste management, and that there is management at the decentralized level. I mean, we divided Lebanon into 15 local regions, and we say that these fees start gradually so that the municipalities can support, and we, as a ministry, will follow up with them.”



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