Ice Apisada prepares to give birth to her first daughter natural childbirth Entertainers commented to send encouragement.

Ice Apisada prepares to give birth to her first daughter natural childbirth Fans, entertainers, comments will definitely send encouragement.

Ice Apisada Kruekongka is a famous actor. who is pregnant with the first child, has recently posted a clip via private IG While himself in the hospital Preparing for the birth of the first daughter natural childbirth with excitement along with the caption that It’s almost time to give birth to everyone. I’m rooting for you.

On the side of fans and friends of entertainers, comments are full of encouragement, such as Good luck, wishing the birth to be easy. Both of you are safe, I’m glad, keep fighting mom, keep fighting mom. I wish you to give birth easily and be strong, wait to see your grandchildren.

Ice Apisada

Thanks for the picture from IG apitsada



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