Cell Broadcast – When will the disaster alert come out on cell phones?

Natural disaster, pandemic, threat of terrorism, … The emergency can come faster than expected. Warning systems on smartphones are intended to inform citizens and give instructions for action. So far there have been apps for this, such as Katwarn, which you can install on your smartphone. But since only very few Austrians proactively download an app, a comprehensive warning system is to come for everyone: the AT-Alert. Using cell broadcast technology, a notification is sent to all cell phones in a mobile cell. A specially designed warning tone signals reception. The warning tone also sounds when your smartphone is muted, an internet connection is not necessary to receive the message.

How does cell broadcasting work?

Messages are sent by means of broadcasting, the cell phone transmitters transmit the messages to all smartphones logged into the respective transmitter. Your cell phone has a so-called cell broadcasting feature installed, with which warning messages can be received automatically. Depending on the configuration, the respective device decides whether and how it displays the message. The advantage here is that these messages are automatically received by all mobile phones that are currently connected to the radio cell.

The authorities decide on the content of the message, as well as the distribution area and the validity period of the warning. The structure of the messages allows for text messages, which means that web links can also be incorporated. Pictures and videos cannot be sent.

No phone numbers are required for the notification, so the sender does not know who received the message. Cell Broadcast, or Public Warning System (PWS), is part of the 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE) and 5G standard. Using this technology, it is possible to have a message sent across a large number of radio cells at the same time and thus notify millions of mobile phone customers within a few seconds.

With the help of disaster warning systems, it can be ensured that you are notified if you are in an endangered area. Transmission via mobile communications not only informs customers of a specific mobile communications provider. Non-customers and tourists also receive the notification.

When can I expect cell broadcast?

According to an EU directive, the legal requirements for a digital mobile phone warning system should be introduced as early as June 2022. However, the regulation required for this has not been issued by the end of 2022. Only following publication of the final regulation can mobile network providers start with the implementation.

Cell broadcasting will be introduced with the so-called AT-Alert in 2024 at the latest, provided that the regulation is published in a timely manner. Cell broadcast has been working in some countries for some time, in Germany a test alarm was able to reach a large part of the population in December 2022.

Magenta Telekom is looking forward to the federal government’s final regulation. As soon as this is in place, Magenta can procure the necessary systems for the network, integrate the network, test it and, most likely, bring it into full operation within 12 to 15 months.

What can I find out until then?

As mentioned at the beginning, disaster warning apps will let you know if there is a danger report in your area. In the Katwarn app you can specify several locations regarding which you would like to be notified. You can also receive alerts from family or friends in other cities. In German-speaking countries, the apps NINA (for Germany) and Alertswiss (for Switzerland) are also recommended. You can usually enable “Critical Alerts” on these apps. This will show you important notifications on the lock screen and play a sound even if the phone is on silent.



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