‘Confidence has been restored’ after emergency consultations between doctors and health minister Vandenbroucke

BVAS threatened to cancel the so-called Medicomut agreement. In it, doctors and health insurance funds make crucial discussions, for example regarding the rates that doctors are allowed to charge. BVAS fell over, among other things, the introduction of a ban on fee supplements in outpatient care for patients who are entitled to an increased reimbursement.

On Monday, the doctors’ organizations and the minister met to discuss the issue. BVAS subsequently announced that the procedure to terminate the agreement will be discontinued. “We have been guaranteed that the modalities can be discussed in separate working groups,” says Blanckaert. “There is confidence once more and a will to discuss.”

Vandenbroucke is satisfied. He “reiterated that protecting socially vulnerable patients from requesting supplements is a very important objective, but that the concrete modalities of a ban on supplements for socially vulnerable patients in the ambulatory sector will be discussed with the medicomut in the course of 2023″. The measure will come into effect in 2024 at the earliest.



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