On the show “Le monde à l’envers” on TVA: Julien Lacroix will give his first TV interview this week

Fallen comedian Julien Lacroix will give his first television interview on Friday evening since allegations of sexual misconduct have been brought against him. Absent from the airwaves for two and a half years, the 30-year-old artist will land on the set of the show “Le monde à l’envers” for a one-on-one with Stéphan Bureau, learned the QMI Agency.

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Although the angle of the interview has not been revealed, Julien Lacroix should all in all return to the denunciations that have shadowed his career in recent years, discuss his journey away from consumption and promote his return to room.

Recall that the comedian left public life in July 2020 following allegations of sexual violence perpetrated against nine women who denounced him in an investigation by the daily “Le Devoir”.

The comedian had then tried to return to the media sphere on several occasions and under different approaches. He notably tried to go from a first public speaking on social networks, affirming that he was following “a therapeutic process to overcome his addiction to alcohol”, then, almost 11 months later, he granted an interview to the “Devoir” in which he had awkwardly defended himself from the alleged facts.

After canceling a first return to the stage this summer, the comedian, shortly before Christmas, began to perform in front of small rooms (about 30 seats) for the recording of a podcast, “Humor and confession”, way questions -answers.

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Shortly before, a controversial file from “La Presse +” and “98.5” breathed new life into the affair, discrediting the testimonies of certain victims, while clearing the way for the comedian’s return to boards.

The program “Le monde à l’envers” is presented live every Friday at 8 p.m. on TVA.

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