“Back to before the epidemic” Mainland reopens borders

United Daily News/Reporter Chen Zhenglu/Beijing Report

Mainland China reopened its doors yesterday, canceling the quarantine control imposed on entry for nearly three years. Overseas personnel can enter the country with a negative nucleic acid test certificate 48 hours before departure. The first phase of customs clearance in the mainland and Hong Kong has also started simultaneously. The reopening of the mainland’s borders will have a profound impact on global travel and the post-pandemic situation.

The mainland announced on the 26th of last month that starting from January 8th, the name of “new crown pneumonia” will be changed to “new crown infection”, and “class B and B control” of infectious diseases will be implemented, and quarantine management measures such as isolation will no longer be adopted for immigrants entering the country. Previously, the mainland had imposed entry quarantine requirements such as “14+7”, “7+7”, “7+3” and “5+3” for inbound personnel.

It only takes 30 minutes to enter the country without quarantine

Yesterday morning, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Nanjing and other airports welcomed inbound flights one after another. A Hong Kong student surnamed Lu Sheng said after arriving in Hong Kong that the process of picking up luggage and clearing customs after getting off the plane only took about 30 minutes, “basically the same as before. It was the same (before the epidemic).

CCTV reported that flights departing from Toronto, Canada, and Singapore stopped at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and Shenzhen Baoan International Airport in the early hours of yesterday, carrying a total of 387 inbound passengers on board. Centrally quarantined travelers.

Yesterday morning, Beijing Capital Airport also ushered in the first quarantine-free entry flight to Beijing, carrying 291 passengers from Hong Kong. After landing at 10:36, the first batch of passengers completed customs clearance at 11:20 and arrived at the immigration hall , Reunited with relatives and friends who came to greet you. The subsequent flight from Warsaw, Poland, became the first international flight to land in Beijing after the mainland opened its doors.

Beijing Capital Airport staff interviewed pointed out that starting yesterday, after disembarking, inbound passengers only need to fill in the customs’ epidemiological survey and self-fill in the nucleic acid results. After the automatic detection of normal body temperature, they can go through entry procedures, and then they can leave on their own.

According to the Beijing Airport announcement, a total of eight inbound flights from Hong Kong, Macau, Warsaw in Poland, Frankfurt in Germany, and Madrid in Spain landed at Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital Airport yesterday.

“Back to before the epidemic” Mainland reopens borders

Air ticket orders surged more than six times

As the mainland opens its doors, the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Public Security Bureaus in Shanghai, Beijing and other places announced yesterday that the processing of entry-exit documents will be resumed, and all processing windows will be fully open. The Shenzhen Exit-Entry Administration website’s entry-exit, Hong Kong and Macau individual endorsement and other systems crashed yesterday due to a surge in visits.

According to data from platforms such as “Tongcheng Travel” in the mainland, orders for inbound and outbound air tickets in the mainland increased by more than six times yesterday, a new high since March 2020.

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Mr. Lin, holding a bouquet of red roses, picked up his girlfriend’s parents at Beijing airport yesterday. He said that the two had not seen each other for more than half a year. hinder.

Lu Sheng, surnamed Wang, who was studying in Hong Kong and took the first flight back to Beijing yesterday, said that after getting off the plane, the process of picking up luggage and clearing customs only took about 30 minutes, which was quite smooth, and there was no need for nucleic acid testing. It was basically the same as before. He mentioned that because it was the first day and the first flight, there were not many people in the airport, and he believed that the crowds would gradually recover in the future.

The mainland has reopened the country, and there are crowds of people entering and exiting again. However, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of the Mainland emphasized at a press conference yesterday that “Class B and B control” is not to be ignored, but more precise, scientific and efficient. It calls on the elderly to be fully vaccinated Vaccines; and said that when the epidemic broke out, emergency prevention and control measures could still be taken in a moderate manner. CDC officials reminded that people who have recently entered the country from countries where the new mutant strain is endemic must do a good job in personal health monitoring and protection.

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