Not afraid of being scolded by the director

Quynh Luong is a “rookie” of Vietnamese TV series. Photo: NVCC

Many viewers think that your new role in Don’t Make Mom Angry is quite similar to Quynh Luong’s person in real life. What do you think regarding this?

– I think it depends on the director’s choice, whether the performance of the actor is suitable for the character or not. For me, perhaps still be favored to choose roles that are something close to me in real life, but of course there is “addition of salted fish sauce”. For example, compared to me, Vy in Don’t Make Mom Angry will be a bit quieter, I’m more lively.

But no matter how different the character is from me, it’s not too difficult, I feel like I can still play the role without any major obstacles. If so, it’s just that sometimes when I speak too fast, it will affect the tone of the dialogue, so I always have to find a way to overcome that weakness.

Is a “rookie” in the film industry like you often subject to the strictness of the director?

– I always take everything in a positive way, so sometimes when the director is strict or scolds, I don’t feel sad, I don’t even know if I was scolded or not. Since I’m still a “rookie” in the drama field, I think, once I have to be strict with the director or anyone, it’s because they all want to be good to me, or give suggestions. .

As for director Vu Minh Tri of Don’t Make Mom Angry, Mr. Tri always brings a sense of comfort to us, so even if he scolds, I still feel the care and love coming from the director I’m working on. work together.

Quynh Luong: There's no way you can compare them to a man

Quynh Luong’s role in Don’t Make Mom Angry is similar to her in real life. Photo: NVCC

There was information that you “almost” played the role of Son Ca in Happy Garage, do you still regret it now?

– The story has also passed and up to now, I simply think that everything comes to me because of the word “destiny”. Even the role is the same, everything in life happens for a reason, so I don’t feel sorry. When I thought like that, another word “destiny” came to me, which was the role of Tien Do. Fortunately, when watching Happy Garage, people also had special feelings for Tien Do, as well as remember the name Quynh Luong a lot.

Through the Happy Garage or now Don’t Make Mom Angry, you have worked with many famous faces of VFC, who do you think you work with best?

– Actually, I think I’m easy to talk to, so I don’t know who suits me best! (laugh). In real life, sometimes when people don’t talk to me, I come and talk to them. When working with the cast in VFC, colleagues or famous brothers and sisters, I have never felt uncomfortable and I can talk to everyone. So it’s really hard to say who I’m most compatible with!

In the past, I admit that I speak less, but now that I work in a group, especially a professional film crew, I always forge the habit of communicating with everyone, from co-stars to those working behind the scenes. It is also one of the ways for me to learn more valuable experiences.

Quynh Luong: There's no way you can compare them to a man

Quynh Luong went through a difficult and depressed period. Photo: NVCC

To have a positive image of Quynh Luong like now, what have you had to go through?

– I used to fall into periods of negative thinking and even depression because of life events. I don’t know how to pull myself out of negative thoughts, so I often have to go to psychological treatment. When going through that dark period, the current me always forces myself to “discharge” the bad emotions. Once you’re happy, you can be happy all day, but when you’re sad, it disappears quickly, that’s what happens to me often.

When filming, people always ask why do I have so much energy? Because if I wasn’t active, didn’t force myself to do something, didn’t talk a lot, I would almost find myself “sinking” very quickly.

Another interesting thing is that since working with VFC’s crew, my timetable is also more scientific and organized. In the morning, sometimes I have to be present at 5, 6 o’clock to prepare for filming, so the night before I had to go to bed at 9 or 10 o’clock. Sometimes my friends even wonder why they go to bed so early. However, it’s one of the ways I keep myself energized.

Acting with Binh An – the actor has just got married, do you have to restrain a lot?

– Binh An and I have known each other before, I am also close and have cooperated with his wife Binh An (runner-up Phuong Nga – PV), so everyone understands each other very well. Also, it’s hard for me to understand that all the time, all of my co-stars treat me like a “boy” (laughs), so I don’t feel pressured to work with male co-stars.

What do you think when the current Vietnamese screen, especially VFC’s TV series, is exploiting family themes quite a lot like Don’t make mom angry. Does it make the audience boring or not?

– I think that I, or many other people, always have to worry regarding a messy life, go out and work, but pay little attention to the hidden corners of family life. Don’t make mom angry or many other family films all want to send the audience a message: there are seemingly simple issues around our loved ones, but let’s look at them from many different perspectives.



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