ovarian rejuvenation

For Luciana Devenutto (MN 151.292), specialist in Reproductive Medicine special for


After many years of searching and failed treatments, a 41-year-old patient managed to become a mother by natural pregnancy. The spontaneous pregnancy occurred following intraovarian platelet-rich plasma therapy, which means without assisted reproductive treatment

More and more successful results are being reported on intraovarian platelet-rich plasma therapy, which consists of injecting platelet-concentrated plasma, cells from the patient’s own blood, which release multiple growth factors, into both ovaries.

It is performed by a needle puncture, and access to the ovaries is achieved vaginally and under ultrasound control. It is an outpatient procedure with minimal risks for the patient.

This therapy is called Ovarian Rejuvenation. Although it is not my favorite term to refer to it, we adopted it from the Greeks, who initially applied this type of treatment to a series of women in the perimenopausal stage back in 2016.

Its use has rapidly spread throughout the world, in order to provide one more possibility or chance to achieve pregnancy in women who are diagnosed with low ovarian reserve and even premature ovarian failure, using their own ovules.

Personally, I am referring to an “Ovarian Activation” method, since its purpose, although for the moment it is a hypothesis, is to “awaken” or activate those follicles (structure that contains the ovum or female reproductive cell) that are in the state of quiescence or latency, and take them towards a more advanced stage in their development.

In summary, it is regarding improving the ovarian reserve or pool of eggs that the woman has at that time. I believe that there is still a long way to go and to study on this subject, and although this news makes our hearts happy, and gives many hopes to others, the results must be considered with caution for the moment. It is essential to convey that those who want more information on this subject have medical guidance and consultation to clear up doubts and assess whether they can be candidates for this type of therapy.

Luciana Devenutto is the coordinator of the Ovarian Regenerative Therapy program at Procrearte



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