retirees and public sector workers reactivate the protests


The protests and mobilizations marked the day to day of retirees, pensioners and public sector workers during 2022 to demand living wages that allow them to meet their basic needs. This 2023 the panorama seems to be the same as the previous year: from next Monday, January 9, the calls begin with the same requirement, that is, adequate pay and job improvements.

According to the general secretary of the Foreign Ministry union, José Patines, “the 2022 they sold to the whole world was a farce». Likewise, he indicated that it was a year in which “the government of Nicolás Maduro burned more than 3,000 million in the bank to end up saying that the pages are to blame for the crisis.”

Teachers union calls for a general mobilization this #9Jan

Given the lack of responses from the authorities, the salaries that are devalued due to the rise in the price of the dollar, the high costs of food, medicine and other items, in addition to the poor working conditions, the different unions will remain in the street demanding respect to your rights.

Currently the minimum wage of the Venezuelan is located at 130 bolivars, which is equivalent to 7 dollars, according to the rate of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) of this Friday, January 6. Meanwhile, the basic food basket stood at $474.87 during November 2022, according to data from the Center for Documentation and Social Analysis of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (Cendas-FVM).

teachers on the street

The The start of the mobilizations is promoted by the education sectorone of the most affected, who also did not abandon the protest during 2022. On Monday, January 9, the Unitary Federation of Teachers of Venezuela (Fetramagisterio) called a general march of the teachers’ union with the purpose of demanding better salaries and security Social.

The representatives of this sector demand that the Ministry of Education immediately resume the negotiating table of the III collective agreement of workers dependent on this government institution.

Cendas-FVM: Venezuelans need 40 minimum wages to cover the basic basket

One of the representatives assured that all the steps taken outside of this negotiation have been “a total deception and resounding failure for the union leadership and the teachers. It has only served for the ministry to buy time in its efforts to deny the just demands that we have formulated.

In this sense, the trade unionists asked the teachers and their leaders to activate legal and labor pressure mechanisms to re-establish and conclude these negotiations. They also requested that a schedule of assemblies be established and that conflict committees be activated.

“March of Burials”

For Wednesday, January 11, retirees, pensioners and public sector workers announced “the march of the burials”. In this activity they will demand that their labor rights be guaranteed and the salary approval to the basic food basket.

The mobilization will reach the Ombudsman’s Office in Caracas, according to the workers. Participation is also expected personnel from the areas of health, education, telecommunications and the oil industry.

«We have called this march that way because we are going to bury the public health system, pensions, retirements and public transport. We want to be dignified; We are not asking the government to give us anything», specified the president of the Front in Defense of the Retired and Pensioners of the country, Luis Cano.

Does the negotiation in Mexico include unfreezing resources to increase wages?

The president of the Venezuelan Union of Teachers of the Capital District (Sinvema), Edgar Machado, said that 2022 was a year of “suffering for workers». For this reason, he hopes that a document can be filed with the ombudsman’s office in which the demands will be reflected.

«This month all sectors are going to be protesting for a decent wage enough to cover the food basket. We want to have health and recreation services as established by the country’s charter,” said Edgar Machado.

It is expected that on January 15 (Teacher’s Day) and the 23rd of this month, there will also be mobilizations from all sectors, according to information from the country’s union leaders.

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