Zhang Wenhong: Widespread infection is happening and many patients are waiting to die in vain | Hospitals are overcrowded | Shanghai experts | Ineffective treatment

[The Epoch Times, January 07, 2023](Comprehensive report by Epoch Times reporter Li Yun) Recently, the epidemic in China has been out of control.hospital overcrowded.Shanghai Epidemic Prevention ExpertZhang WenhongIt was revealed at a training meeting that widespread infections are happening, but hospitals are doingineffective treatmentMany patients waited to die in vain.

Comprehensive land media reports on January 5, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, ShanghaiZhang Wenhongin a training meeting for community doctors in Minhang District, analyzed the problem of serious medical run-off due to the large number of patients in Chinese hospitals.

In recent days, patients have flocked to secondary and tertiary hospitals in large numbers, saturating hospital beds, he said. This is because most of the treatments in the previous community hospitals were ineffective, and many patients did not get better following taking the medicine, so they went to large hospitals once more.

However, the treatment effect in large hospitals is not good. Many patients have a very low remission rate following hospitalization, and even aggravate their condition, eventually leading to death. Inpatients are unable to recover for a long time, which naturally leads to an inability to increase the turnover rate of wards.

He pointed out that at present, four kinds of medicines are generally prescribed for patients: antipyretics, antibiotics, cough syrup, and other auxiliary medicines. But this four-step method is likely to consume the patient’s most precious golden 72 hours.

Hospitals, he said, have perpetuated this pattern time and time once more.ineffective treatment. Many elderly people did not relieve their symptoms following taking the medicine. After being admitted to the hospital, they just took a bottle and inhaled oxygen, which ultimately failed to relieve the symptoms of lung inflammation and resulted in death.

The large hospital in Shanghai is saturated with hospitalization. Zhang Wenhong suggested that community hospitals should not let patients rush to large hospitals, causing a medical run. Can’t we all die together?”

He said, “Next, the peak of death has come… The number of deaths in various places is rising… It will be too late in another week, because large-scale infections are now happening.”

Zhang Wenhong said on December 29 last year that in this wave of the epidemic, the infection rate in many big cities has exceeded 50%, and the Chinese New Year will reach 80%.

In his latest speech, he said that now is a very important critical point. If the emergency room cannot be evacuated, it means that a large number of patients with respiratory failure cannot be treated, and this group of severe patients will die.

He pointed out that the last two weeks are the most critical. The emergency room of the higher-level hospital must start to implement triage, and the patients who have basically recovered should go home for observation; the patients who are crowded in the emergency room for infusion should be sent back to the community hospital. Only in this way can the turnover of sickbed be realized.

Since December 27, 2022, the CCP had no warning and no preparations. From the three-year extreme blockade to the sudden and complete liberalization, a new wave of epidemic tsunami swept across China. Crematoria around the world are overloaded, and hospital morgues and funeral parlors are overwhelmed with corpses.

According to an internal meeting minutes of the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China, according to estimates, in the first 20 days of December, the cumulative number of infections in China has reached 248 million.

Experts generally predict that with the coming of the New Year holiday, increased urban-rural mobility, and adjustments to immigration policies, China will see a new round of infection peaks.

Airfinity Ltd, a British health data company, predicts that in late January, there may be as many as 25,000 new deaths in a single day in China. On March 3 next year, the number of daily infected people may reach 4.2 million. It is expected that rural areas will be more affected. By the end of next April, 1.7 million people will have died across the country.

Editor in charge: Sun Yun



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