Stages of the destruction of the Iraqi private sector by the writer / Saleh Lafta

Many reasons led to the gradual destruction of the Iraqi private sector
It began with the coups, the nationalization of companies, the confiscation of land from large landlords, and the distribution of it over a few areas that did not produce anything that raised the material condition of the peasants.
And there is no guarantee for those who work and establish small projects.
The greed of people and the corruption of power formed an alliance to kill the Iraqi private sector, so successive governments dealt with the government sector as a place to attract followers, buy loyalties, distribute positions and a source of rapid enrichment through fictitious projects and huge budgets that are spent without supervision without production or benefit for tens or even hundreds of government departments. that cost the state billions.
Especially following 2003, following the ministries were divided into parties and in order to bribe people and create followers, the ministry is dictated by contracts and job grades, so the government sector swelled and the private sector was completely neglected by the state.

There is also a lack of risk-taking among young people who have the ability to work, similar to the citizens of countries in which the private sector has flourished and starting simple individual projects that later became giant companies, although the Iraqi youth always shouts and demonstrates because of the country’s situation and the inability of politicians to find solutions, but he is unable to Finding a solution for himself and remaining dependent on wanting a guaranteed source of income in government institutions.

The imbalance is clear in the deterioration of the private sector and can be repaired
By searching for successful experiences and ways to advance the private sector
As well as fighting extreme monopoly, where the private sector turns into a monster because of greed and the attempt to make quick profits for many if the state withdraws completely and leaves matters in the hands of merchants, investors and companies without oversight or accountability.
And it has to catch some sectors, and regulate market laws to protect small business owners and not leave them to ruthless laws that do not encourage others to engage in the private sector.

Stressing, we sympathize with every Iraqi who holds an educational certificate that he did not obtain easily in his right to obtain a job degree in the state following he was cut off from working in the private sector or obtaining a guarantee for himself and his family.
It is hoped that the government will not only spread the good news of hiring contracts and attendees, and burdening the state’s general budget with millions of employees who will not get their salaries in any drop in oil prices.
And exaggeration in government jobs, but rather go to the private sector to provide job opportunities

All the blame falls on it, as it remained helpless and idly by without looking for solutions to save Iraq and build a strong and advanced economy.



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