Short Trip To Jogja! – Nyacrotun

I wanted to write a holiday title but I think our short trip to Jogja yesterday didn’t deserve to be called a vacation. So, yes, it’s just a short trip, a super short trip but still happy, it’s called Jogja. Eeeee.

And Jogja at the end of last year actually repeated the moment from a year ago. Same place, same people, same love. Masha Allah.

The moment from a year ago was almost written on this blog, already perched in a draft with the title ‘Suddenly Jogja: Vacation with High School Gangs’. But then I got into an accident, the cellphone disappeared along with all the memory in it. I’m really crying, but what can I do, it’s not our fortune yet. In the end, I stopped writing :”).

Now I want to flashback a little bit, just like all of them rappel????

Yoga a Year Ago

It’s a kind of myth that goes around the world, yes, if you make an appointment with friends (especially if there are a lot of them), it’s hard to beg for forgiveness. For example, if you make an iftar appointment that begins with an invitation, let’s open it together! Come on, let’s go! Then finally ended the discourse.

Well, in my high school gang it was the same way. Even if it’s business, it’s always routine every year. Even though they live in different cities, some are in Kebumen, Semarang, Tuban, Purwokerto, Jakarta, but if going home, they definitely take the time to break the bukber. From a gang of 12 to how many tens now heeey. Same husband and children. Some have children 1, 2, 3, even 4. Rame pwol!

What ends the long talk is a vacation together. It makes sense, in our opinion, we are no longer young girls who just carry their bodies everywhere. Family vacations, where together, there are so many stuck. Especially an awkward schedule.

So what’s the story of finally being able to vacation together?

Starting from a chat from one of the gang members whose hobby is really going on vacations. Today where, tomorrow where, next week where. Macem has a door to anywhere Doraemon. So, our friend, let’s call him Tatik, the group chat includes captures of homestay bookings in Jogja.

“Hey guys, I want to go to Jogja with my family on this date. Find a cheap homestay, there is a swimming pool too. Come on, who wants to join?”

Then, I don’t know where to get inspiration from, kebumeners (as the members who live in Kebumen), immediately jumped in, let’s do it. And to make sure that it doesn’t end in discourse, go straight to the transfer to make a booking????

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