The Invoxia Smart Dog Collar monitors the health of the dog

Location was not enough for Invoxia, which added health monitoring functions to its GPS collar for dogs! A not so stupid idea to avoid costly interventions which are sometimes too late.

Invoxia adds an extra string to the bow of its dog GPS collar. The Smart Dog Collar allows tracking of the dog’s location 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by combining Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS. But that’s not enough! The manufacturer has unveiled new health monitoring functions: the collar contains miniaturized radar sensors that can detect micro-movements of the skin, regardless of the characteristics of the coat.

Artificial intelligence to the rescue of dog health

Combined with artificial intelligence algorithms, these sensors know how to dissociate parasitic vibrations to provide useful information such as continuous respiratory and heart rate. The collar also tracks the dog’s daily activities, such as walking and running time, sleep tracking, number of steps, barking… Basically, it’s a connected bracelet but for canines!

These data are crucial in order to detect a decrease in vitality or appetite, symptoms which may be linked to heart problems or even dermatological pathologies or linked to osteoarthritis. Ultimately, the Smart Dog Collar provides comprehensive dog activity tracking. Invoxia has developed Heartprint technology to reveal the dog’s heart signature and transcribe it in the form of a diagram.

© Invoxia

« This new feature makes it possible to move towards more preventive medicine for canines “, explains Amélie Caudron, the general manager of Invoxia. This data collection sheds light on the health parameters of different dog breeds “, she adds.

Veterinarians can thus have an overall view of the dog’s health: tone, stress, possible heart disease. An effective way to anticipate health problems: heart disease affects approximately one in ten dogs worldwide. The Smart Dog Collar, which also benefits from a new design, is suitable for medium and large dogs. Designed in silicone and lightweight (155 grams), it is available in several colors at a price of 169 euros, with a monthly subscription from 8.25 euros.



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