400 million numerology experts revealed: 4 constellations and 4 zodiac signs have the strongest fortune | Life | CTWANT

On the 20th issue of Power Color Connect, it is worth 400 million. Numerology experts revealed that there are 4 constellations and 4 zodiac signs that are the most prosperous. (Schematic / Photo by Lin Shijie)

There will be 20 episodes of power lottery in a row, and next Monday (9th) the first prize will be up to NT$400 million. Numerology expert Mr. Xiao Meng shared that there are 4 constellations and 4 zodiac signs that have the best luck for wealth, and the people on the list You can try your luck. If you are not on the list, you can bring your friends who are on the list to buy it. You can get good luck if you are happy.

In addition to sharing the 4 most prosperous zodiac signs, Teacher Xiao Meng also shared 4 zodiac signs: Rat, Pig, Ox, and Horse are the most prosperous. And share that the direction of wealth is in the west, it is suggested that you can find a betting shop in the west of your home or office to place bets to have more wealth. The lucky hours are from 11:00 noon to 15:00 pm and from 17:00 to 19:00 pm.

Power Cai looks at 400 million.  (Schematic / photo by Hou Shijun)
Power Cai looks at 400 million. (Schematic / photo by Hou Shijun)

Top4: Aries

On January 9, Jupiter will fall in Aries, which shows that Aries has excellent wealth luck, and partial wealth luck is strong. If you want to win the first prize, it is recommended to drink Yin-Yang water from 3:00 to 5:00 in the followingnoon, that is, use half-cold and half-hot water Because “yin” in yin and yang water represents cold water, cold water also represents partial fortune, and “yang” represents positive fortune, so if yin and yang are combined, wealth energy will increase, and both positive and partial wealth can be used in one hand.

Top3: Scorpio

Neptune falls into the partial wealth house of Scorpio, which shows that Scorpio has a very strong chance of making a fortune on January 9, and the chance of partial wealth is very strong. If you want to strengthen the fortune of partial wealth, it is recommended that you prepare a bowl with coarse salt and mung beans in it , red beans, and then add water, and then dip a small leaf in the water in the bowl, it can help you purify and increase your aura of betting.

Top2: Capricornus

The sun of Capricorn enters the natal palace of fortune, and the fortune is expected to soar. Teacher Xiaomeng suggested that before placing a bet, you can use a red envelope bag, cut a small circle on the top of the red envelope bag with scissors, and then take it to bet. Soon you will attract positive energy, which can make your partial wealth prosperous.

Top1: Sagittarius

On January 9, Sagittarius, Jupiter enters the partial wealth house, which shows that you can have sudden wealth luck, and the wealth can fill the whole body. It is suggested that the way for Sagittarius to strengthen the partial wealth luck on January 9 is to prepare red envelopes before placing bets, and the red envelopes Use a signature pen to draw five triangles on the top of the bag, symbolizing the five-way God of Wealth, and then put in 3 small stones. After putting them in, fold the red envelope bag and take it to the betting station to place bets. The five triangles symbolize five blessings. Three stones The stone represents Sanyang Kaitai. In addition, 5 plus 3 equals 8, which also means that today you will make a fortune.



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