Drinking water and staying hydrated leads to fewer chronic diseases and a longer life

An American study undertaken by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of Maryland and published in the journal eBioMedicine shows that staying hydrated has many health benefits.

A well-hydrated adult is less likely to develop chronic, heart and lung diseases compared to another who does not drink enough, reports the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute study.

The average amount of water in an adult body is 60% water

The human body consists of regarding 60% ofeau, this corresponds to 45 liters of water for a 70 kilogram person. In our body, the action of water is multiple: it allows to regulate the body temperature, to hydrate the skin. We lose the water we drink through perspiration and another part through urine, so we must make up for this loss daily by drinking 1 to 1.5 liters of water per day.

We must therefore make up for our daily water loss by drinking 1 to 1.5 liters of water per day.

In the human body, water is distributed as follows: the lungs contain 78% water; blood 79%; the brain 76%; smooth muscles 75%; bones 22.5% and fatty tissues 10%.

Scientists have analyzed the links between serum sodium levels – which increase when fluid intake decreases – and various health indicators. Results: Study participants with high sodium levels were more likely to develop chronic diseases and show early signs of biological aging, compared to those with average serum sodium levels. They were also more likely to die prematurely.

Proper hydration can slow aging and prolong a disease-free life

The lead author of the study, Natalia Dmitrieva, gives her analysis: “Our results suggest that proper hydration can slow aging and prolong a disease-free life“.

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