After the return of its pardoned soldiers, Côte d’Ivoire for “normal relations” with Mali

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Forty-six Ivorian soldiers recently pardoned by the Malian military authorities arrived at the international airport in the capital Abidjan on Saturday, where they were greeted by Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara, who advocated the return to “normal relations” with the mali.

Côte d’Ivoire wants to “resume normal relations” with Mali following the return, on Saturday January 7, to Abidjan of 46 of its soldiers who had been detained in Bamako for nearly six months and who were pardoned on Friday by the head of the Malian junta.

These soldiers, arrested on July 10, 2022, accused of being “mercenaries” by Mali and sentenced to 20 years in prison, returned to Abidjan the day following the pardon granted to them by the head of the Malian junta Assimi Goita.

The Ivorian air force plane bringing them back to their country landed shortly before midnight (local and GMT) at Abidjan airport, AFP journalists noted. The soldiers, in military uniform, came out one by one, brandishing a small Ivorian flag, and were greeted as they descended from the aircraft by President Alassane Ouattara.

A ceremony in the presence of the soldiers, their families and the highest authorities of the State and the army immediately followed, during which Alassane Ouattara said he wanted to “resume normal relations” with Mali.

“Of course, now that this crisis is behind us, we can resume normal relations with the brother country of Mali, which needs us and which we also need,” he said.

A spokesman for the soldiers thanked the head of state and “the Ivorian people for their support and active solidarity”. “We are happy and relieved to return to the motherland,” he said.

Decisive mediation by Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé

The release of the soldiers was demanded from the start by Côte d’Ivoire, which, along with the UN, has said that they must participate in the security of the German contingent of blue helmets in this Sahelian country shaken by violence.

This affair caused great tension between two “brother countries” and neighbors with already complicated relations: Mali had accused Côte d’Ivoire of having incited its West African partners to toughen the sanctions once morest the soldiers who carried out two attacks. State, in August 2020 then in May 2021, sanctions finally lifted in early July.

The Malian power, dominated by the putschist colonels, erected this affair into a manifestation of the sovereignty which it posed as a cardinal principle vis-à-vis France, pushed towards the exit nine years following the launch of its intervention once morest the jihadist groups, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and even the UN Stabilization Mission (Minusma).

>> To read: Ivorian soldiers detained in Mali: Alassane Ouattara facing criticism from the opposition

After leaving Bamako around 5 p.m. (local and GMT), the Ivorian soldiers passed through Lomé where they were received by Togolese President Faure Gnassingbé who officially handed them over to the Ivorian Defense Minister, Téné Birahima Ouattara.

President Gnassingbé, who “rejoiced” at the pardon granted to the soldiers, played a decisive role for their release and both the Malian and Ivorian authorities paid tribute to his mediation.

ECOWAS had given Mali until January 1 to release the soldiers under penalty of new sanctions, an ultimatum not respected by Bamako. However, “there will be no sanctions once morest Mali in the immediate future”, declared the Bissau-Guinean head of state, Umaro Sissoco Embalo, current president of the organization.

With AFP

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