Another woman: who does Prince Harry really thank for the birth of his first child

Prince Harry shared the most intimate. The son of the king revealed the details of the appearance of the firstborn.

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British journalists have published another portion of the revelations of Prince Harry. In his autobiographical book Spare, the royal offspring told what helped him and his wife Meghan Markle to become parents for the first time. It turns out that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex kept a blue box with the hair of Princess Diana, Harry’s mother, on the bedside table. The son of Charles III has been keeping the curls of his parent for many years, considering them to be his amulet.

One day, when Megan decided to do pregnancy tests in the bathroom, Harry, tired of the long wait, dozed off. Waking up, he saw express tests lying next to the treasured box. Harry thought that was a good sign.

“On this nightstand, I kept only a few things, including a blue box with my mother’s hair. I immediately thought of this special thing when I saw the pregnancy tests. “That’s right, good. Let’s see what mom can do in this situation,” I thought.

Realizing that the result of the study is positive, the prince Harry mentally thanked his mother for her help.. “Thank you mom,” the royal offspring said to himself.

Successful conception was preceded by another good omen. When Harry and Meghan were visiting May Castle in Scotland, they came across a group of seals while walking along the coastline. The prince tried to get the attention of the animals, but they did not respond to his “serenade”. In the end, Megan took over. When Markle “started singing along,” the pinnipeds roared back. At that moment, the son of the king realized that he was not mistaken in choosing the chosen one. In a fit of emotion, Harry threw off his clothes, jumped into the water and swam up to the seals.

“She is truly magical. Even seals know this,” said the Duke of Sussex.

Already in the castle, when the couple shared their joy from communicating with animals, unpleasant news awaited them. The chef of the then Prince Charles explained why in no case should you lure seals to the shore. The fact is that some areas of the Scottish coast are “teeming with killer whales”, which are happy to feast on pinnipeds. Having called the seals to the shore, Harry and Meghan doomed them to a “bloody death”.

Nevertheless, the “gloomy” story of the cook did not dampen Harry’s mood. Later, having learned regarding his wife’s pregnancy, the prince paid tribute not only to Diana. He also thanked the “selks” – mythological creatures from Scottish tales that transform from a seal into a human.

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Photo source: ALPR/AdMedia/globallookpress



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